WM 6.1 For Your Vogue AKA Sprint Touch

LOL I knew something wasn't right we'll i guinea pig'ed it for AMJ lol about 4 hrs of scratchin my head lol and i flashed it probably 6 times haha, i just tried to figure it out but i knew something was up. Haha well at least i got the new cool text messaging haha later keep me posted if you get it figured out.

LOL I knew something wasn't right we'll i guinea pig'ed it for AMJ lol about 4 hrs of scratchin my head lol and i flashed it probably 6 times haha, i just tried to figure it out but i knew something was up. Haha well at least i got the new cool text messaging haha later keep me posted if you get it figured out.


will do for sure will lol
what's up with the text messenger system? what's new about it?

check out my youtiube video with rev a on the mogul and it will show you the threaded sms... also makes the phone run faster more stable and and a new feasture.... the username for me on youtube where yo ucan find the video is iamdasht19
As we've just discovered, this rom update was just to upgrade to WM 6.1 and not Rev a. I have been doing the same as stealth twin turbo and although I have it close to what it was when I had the OEM ROM, there are still functions that don't work (i.e. On demand, etc) Do you either know how I can redirect the link from the OEM touch flo cube or initiate the program so that it ends up where the link is looking so that I don't get an error message? When I sign onto http://powerdeck.sprint.com from the phone it also no longer recognizes that its an HTC touch 6900. Any ideas how I can remedy that?
As we've just discovered, this rom update was just to upgrade to WM 6.1 and not Rev a. I have been doing the same as stealth twin turbo and although I have it close to what it was when I had the OEM ROM, there are still functions that don't work (i.e. On demand, etc) Do you either know how I can redirect the link from the OEM touch flo cube or initiate the program so that it ends up where the link is looking so that I don't get an error message? When I sign onto http://powerdeck.sprint.com from the phone it also no longer recognizes that its an HTC touch 6900. Any ideas how I can remedy that?

on demand should work unlock the external rom bro than install the cab..... and for the id thing for that call sprint and they should be able to fix that for you.
on demand should work unlock the external rom bro than install the cab..... and for the id thing for that call sprint and they should be able to fix that for you.

i've been kind of annoyed at all the bugs that this beta ROM has, so I tried looking around the net and I found an OEM Sprint Touch ROM. I've tried it and it seems to be back to normal. (finally) I've attached the ROM for everyone who's tried this beta and finds out that it isn't what they wanted.


I'm new to all this rom modding (and it doesn't really sound that benifitial, I can do without threaded sms) Would it be possible for me to run the "rev a" on my bell htc vouge? Would there be any drawbacks? Do you know if he Rev a has improved speeds over my network?

I was also wondering if this unlock the gps for the touch/vougue (It can't search gps because its only 3 letters) I'm very interested in gps if I can rig it to tell me my top speed when speedboarding.
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I'm new to all this rom modding (and it doesn't really sound that benifitial, I can do without threaded sms) Would it be possible for me to run the "rev a" on my bell htc vouge? Would there be any drawbacks? Do you know if he Rev a has improved speeds over my network?

I was also wondering if this unlock the gps for the touch/vougue (It can't search gps because its only 3 letters) I'm very interested in gps if I can rig it to tell me my top speed when speedboarding.

yeah you will be able to run it with the sprint rom. you will need to get the rom unlocker found at the site and unlock your phone and flash it over. there is a area here where they have verision for all different providers do a search for reva and you will find it. and yes rev a will increase your net speed and enable the gps on your phone.
When is the projected release date for the sprint REV A rom?
In order to benifit from the REV A patch will I need to be in range of the sprint network or will it increase speeds for the bell touch on all networks that it runs on (most importantly the bell net which is Ev-Do)?
Thanks Again sorry for being new.
When is the projected release date for the sprint REV A rom?
In order to benifit from the REV A patch will I need to be in range of the sprint network or will it increase speeds for the bell touch on all networks that it runs on (most importantly the bell net which is Ev-Do)?
Thanks Again sorry for being new.

not sure keeps on getting pushed back. it was supposed t be the 28th of last month now they are talking march. but on the htc site it says Q1 2008 so sometimes in the next 2 months.
In order to benifit from the REV A patch will I need to be in range of the sprint network or will it increase speeds on all networks that my phone can run on

What I'm really asking is if it will run faster in canada where bell has many towers and sprint has none? Bel is an Ev-do network.
In order to benifit from the REV A patch will I need to be in range of the sprint network or will it increase speeds on all networks that my phone can run on

What I'm really asking is if it will run faster in canada where bell has many towers and sprint has none? Bel is an Ev-do network.

you would need to be around the sprint towers or any other tower that supports the rev a evdo. thats the way i understand it at least. im a sprint subscriber so i dont have to worry. lol
Is there gonna ever be any Rev A WM 6.1 for the e Touch like for the Mogul (NOCHEM's) soon before the official sprint launch?? Is anyone you know working on one for the Touch a Rev A beta?
Is there gonna ever be any Rev A WM 6.1 for the e Touch like for the Mogul (NOCHEM's) soon before the official sprint launch?? Is anyone you know working on one for the Touch a Rev A beta?

there waiting for the official to drop since there are differences. if you notice all the rev a roms that are coming out are for phoen with wifi and that makes it hard since the touch lacks the wifi.
alright so u told me to post on threads my problem being that u posted it i figured u would know but to whoever out there that might please help im new to this im stuck on the boot loader it says spl-2.40 olipro i tried using uni_exitbootloader but it makes the screen go black for like 2 seconds then back to boot loader i must addd that this is the 6800 so im guessing thats the problem because this was for the vogue and not the titan if all else fails could sprint help me i reaaly am clue less right about now