Garmin Mobile XT 4.20.30w

Is there a Garmin Mobile that will work with a smartphone?
I own a Blackjack II and have not been able to locate this...would be cool to see it in action.

At the main "Top" listing it reads "Windows Mobile/Windows PPC Applications" and that's
what thru me, sorry for snoozing. I would love to try this on my new toy/phone that's all and
I know it isn't a PPC type...I'm finding out that there are a lot More appz for Pocket PC's and
others...not many for mine, but i still like it alot, Lol

At the main "Top" listing it reads "Windows Mobile/Windows PPC Applications" and that's
what thru me, sorry for snoozing. I would love to try this on my new toy/phone that's all and
I know it isn't a PPC type...I'm finding out that there are a lot More appz for Pocket PC's and
others...not many for mine, but i still like it alot, Lol


in the post bro come on description of the app now......... it wil say requirements.
Hey guys. I've read through this thread and I did'nt see anything about my problem unless I am just blind, so sorry if I am repeating this. I have a sprint htc touch with mustangs clean v3 rom and radio 3.37.10. My problem is when i install garmin 4.20.30w I can not pick up any satellites. So i reflashed it again soft reseted after installing the clean v3 rom, and only installed googlemaps. It picked up about 4 satellites. Am I doing something wrong with the garmin install because I put in the sw.unl file correctly. Or is it because i did not soft reset after installing the mustang rom. It only told me to soft reset after the altell rom installation and I did that for sure. Thanks in advance.
Hey guys. I've read through this thread and I did'nt see anything about my problem unless I am just blind, so sorry if I am repeating this. I have a sprint htc touch with mustangs clean v3 rom and radio 3.37.10. My problem is when i install garmin 4.20.30w I can not pick up any satellites. So i reflashed it again soft reseted after installing the clean v3 rom, and only installed googlemaps. It picked up about 4 satellites. Am I doing something wrong with the garmin install because I put in the sw.unl file correctly. Or is it because i did not soft reset after installing the mustang rom. It only told me to soft reset after the altell rom installation and I did that for sure. Thanks in advance.

you have to run google maps in the background while garmin is running as a buffer to get it to work.
Hey guys. I've read through this thread and I did'nt see anything about my problem unless I am just blind, so sorry if I am repeating this. I have a sprint htc touch with mustangs clean v3 rom and radio 3.37.10. My problem is when i install garmin 4.20.30w I can not pick up any satellites. So i reflashed it again soft reseted after installing the clean v3 rom, and only installed googlemaps. It picked up about 4 satellites. Am I doing something wrong with the garmin install because I put in the sw.unl file correctly. Or is it because i did not soft reset after installing the mustang rom. It only told me to soft reset after the altell rom installation and I did that for sure. Thanks in advance.

We had the same issue with the Titan when we were running on the leaked ROM. Once we got the official release this problem went away.
alright i read the thread myself and i get that seperated rar files and everytime i try to extract it, it says extract file 2. but i cant. i extracted them all than started at the begining and it said i didnt have it extracted lol im getting lost here lol.

but i wont give up i gotta figure this out but need some help from like kaos. jajaja i feel like an noob cuz i cant get this. idk why its not easy for me like the rest.

im using winrar
For a while this was working great, but recently it started acting up. I hadn't needed to run anything in the background as a buffer, so I don't want to have to change that. However, when I try to open it up it changes my phone's time to 500 pm and the date, hmm, it was going back to the 3rd of May but last time it sent me to the 10th of May (yesterday). This has the affect of placing me somewhere south of Burma (I think), somewhere in the water and quite a ways from San Diego, home sweet home. Then the system loses signal, then picks up again and drops me there, then drops signal, etc. Like I said, this was working smooth as silk for the week following the upgrade. I'm thinking of trying out OMJ's ROM, see if that works better. Also being lazy and don't want to look for a way to adjust the date on the main screen so it's no longer day/month/year. ;-) See if OMJ's has it default that way. Anywho, if I'm just blonde and missed a setting that says Modify my Clock for Grins, smack me and let me know, please? Thanks.
For a while this was working great, but recently it started acting up. I hadn't needed to run anything in the background as a buffer, so I don't want to have to change that. However, when I try to open it up it changes my phone's time to 500 pm and the date, hmm, it was going back to the 3rd of May but last time it sent me to the 10th of May (yesterday). This has the affect of placing me somewhere south of Burma (I think), somewhere in the water and quite a ways from San Diego, home sweet home. Then the system loses signal, then picks up again and drops me there, then drops signal, etc. Like I said, this was working smooth as silk for the week following the upgrade. I'm thinking of trying out OMJ's ROM, see if that works better. Also being lazy and don't want to look for a way to adjust the date on the main screen so it's no longer day/month/year. ;-) See if OMJ's has it default that way. Anywho, if I'm just blonde and missed a setting that says Modify my Clock for Grins, smack me and let me know, please? Thanks.

not sure why it would od this.... have you installed any new apsps lately?
For a while this was working great, but recently it started acting up. I hadn't needed to run anything in the background as a buffer, so I don't want to have to change that. However, when I try to open it up it changes my phone's time to 500 pm and the date, hmm, it was going back to the 3rd of May but last time it sent me to the 10th of May (yesterday). This has the affect of placing me somewhere south of Burma (I think), somewhere in the water and quite a ways from San Diego, home sweet home. Then the system loses signal, then picks up again and drops me there, then drops signal, etc. Like I said, this was working smooth as silk for the week following the upgrade. I'm thinking of trying out OMJ's ROM, see if that works better. Also being lazy and don't want to look for a way to adjust the date on the main screen so it's no longer day/month/year. ;-) See if OMJ's has it default that way. Anywho, if I'm just blonde and missed a setting that says Modify my Clock for Grins, smack me and let me know, please? Thanks.

This is a common problem with this version of Garmin. The problem happens when Garmin switches back and forth from accessing your GPS with COM4 to the intermediate driver. No idea why it does this. There is an update that can be found in this thread http:// I don't notice the clock change as much with this version but it is still there.
alright i read the thread myself and i get that seperated rar files and everytime i try to extract it, it says extract file 2. but i cant. i extracted them all than started at the begining and it said i didnt have it extracted lol im getting lost here lol.

but i wont give up i gotta figure this out but need some help from like kaos. jajaja i feel like an noob cuz i cant get this. idk why its not easy for me like the rest.

im using winrar

yo can i get some advice? i just read that this version has some problems. i did try the newer version to posted a couple pages back still was struggling with it connecting to the gps. and couldnt get the maps or figure out how to make that swl file.

im having problems with both version. just different problems. so if i can get one or the other to work that will be great.
yo can i get some advice? i just read that this version has some problems. i did try the newer version to posted a couple pages back still was struggling with it connecting to the gps. and couldnt get the maps or figure out how to make that swl file.

im having problems with both version. just different problems. so if i can get one or the other to work that will be great.

OK the file you download is called "GarminMobileXT4.20.30w.rar" decompress it with WinRAR and you get a total of 17 files. The ONLY file you need to concern yourself with is "Garmin Mobile XT 4.20.30w.part01.rar" when you decompress it with WinRAR it will combine all the other files on it's own.

Run these three files.
After each one you will get a pop up on your ppc asking you if you want to install Garmin. Ignore it until you have done all three then tell it yes. After it loads click settings in the bottom middle. Then use the down arrown to go down a screen and click About. The third line has a small bold print that has your unit id.

Input your ujnit id into the Keygen click generate to get your device unlock code. Create a new notepad file and enter the device unlock code as th first and only line. Save this as sw.unl and then copy it to your garmin directory on your storage card.

Next you need maps. See the sticky on the main programs page.
OK the file you download is called "GarminMobileXT4.20.30w.rar" decompress it with WinRAR and you get a total of 17 files. The ONLY file you need to concern yourself with is "Garmin Mobile XT 4.20.30w.part01.rar" when you decompress it with WinRAR it will combine all the other files on it's own.

Run these three files.
After each one you will get a pop up on your ppc asking you if you want to install Garmin. Ignore it until you have done all three then tell it yes. After it loads click settings in the bottom middle. Then use the down arrown to go down a screen and click About. The third line has a small bold print that has your unit id.

Input your ujnit id into the Keygen click generate to get your device unlock code. Create a new notepad file and enter the device unlock code as th first and only line. Save this as sw.unl and then copy it to your garmin directory on your storage card.

Next you need maps. See the sticky on the main programs page.

ya i know i did focus on the first one but im saying it doesnt do the rest for me it ask me to manually look for the other folder. like it will say in order to decompress this part 1 you need part 2 than has an browse button. but ill try it again right now but i dont think my luck going to change


ok still didnt work i even redownloaded it. it still ask for part 2 and etc.
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ok, sounds like u are opening the file with winrar and not actually extracting it. right click the original file and tell it to extract. You can just open it. also you need to do the same thing on the next. if that doesnzt work i would make sure your winrar is good.
ok, sounds like u are opening the file with winrar and not actually extracting it. right click the original file and tell it to extract. You can just open it. also you need to do the same thing on the next. if that doesnzt work i would make sure your winrar is good.

well i double click on it and it opens it. than there 2 files in that first one. one is that exe file im sppose to use to install the program i believe. but when i click on it, it says i need the part 2 or the rar so idk wats up wit that. ill try ur way right now and see what happens ill report back. thanks for the help.

i think my winrar is good 2 lol.
well i double click on it and it opens it. than there 2 files in that first one. one is that exe file im sppose to use to install the program i believe. but when i click on it, it says i need the part 2 or the rar so idk wats up wit that. ill try ur way right now and see what happens ill report back. thanks for the help.

i think my winrar is good 2 lol.

ok well looks like that worked. . .but now i gotta install the other files the voice and maps. that goes into the storage card 2 correct?


ok i installed the other 2 things and idk if it installed or not and than i ddi the keygen and put it in the folder and dont seem like it worked it still ask to begin trial. also it wont pick up gps. it says i need to connect to like another garmin gps device!?
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ok well looks like that worked. . .but now i gotta install the other files the voice and maps. that goes into the storage card 2 correct?


ok i installed the other 2 things and idk if it installed or not and than i ddi the keygen and put it in the folder and dont seem like it worked it still ask to begin trial. also it wont pick up gps. it says i need to connect to like another garmin gps device!?

yo dash i aint trying to triple post but you think you know wats wrong on why i cant get the unlock code installed or it to connect to gps it makes it seem like i have to connect to another gps device for it to work.