the website is down and if im not mistaking hipvoice is the voice talking like PTT thing correct???? if so its in beta and you have to sign up for it.
you are right Dash, they have a beta out for sign up only, also for all to know HipVoice is a developer of enterprise Push To Talk software specifically engineered for the ruggedized handheld market. The company specialises in VoIP software products that allow handheld devices to communicate with each other using HipVoice's patented push to talk technology. Its totally awesome looking...I haven't tried it out yet but what it seems they are trying to do is unify all push to talk networks. By enabling your handheld device, you can PTT with any cellular carrier as well as any WiFi network. HipVoice software has broken down the proprietary walls and enables consumers with choice with their PTT services. I have included some pics and a vid that I found that might better exemplify this for some
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