NueROM Touch Pro 1st Rom Released

is there any special instructions on flashing a pro, or should i just follow the old mogul steps to flash this baby?

--------- New Post Merged on 8/11/2008 at 08:45:44 --------

nevermind, found the touch pro tutorial that dash made up
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How do i make this rom work with my mogul?? I know someone has to know..

this will not work on your mogul, it's an entirely different device and if you try to flash this you will most likely brick your phone.

i recommend kaos's ROMs for the mogul
Thank you for the heads up. Is there a way to load the rom into cooking software and convert it? I really like the features of the touch pro and would like to have them on my mogul.
Thank you for the heads up. Is there a way to load the rom into cooking software and convert it? I really like the features of the touch pro and would like to have them on my mogul.

the thing is that many of the features of the touch pro are just hardware differences like the accelerometer and stuff, but if you just want the user interface then you can always get touchflo2d...a nice app overall there are quite a few slick themes for it here too
the thing is that many of the features of the touch pro are just hardware differences like the accelerometer and stuff, but if you just want the user interface then you can always get touchflo2d...a nice app overall there are quite a few slick themes for it here too

accelerometer and STUFF?? you mean accelerometer, internal memory, ram, 5 row qwerty keyboard, the sexy look, vga screen resolution, perfect youtube, working mms (without trouble)the magnetic auto turn on screen stylus lmao, etc...... touch pro is the way to go :>
accelerometer and STUFF?? you mean accelerometer, internal memory, ram, 5 row qwerty keyboard, the sexy look, vga screen resolution, perfect youtube, working mms (without trouble)the magnetic auto turn on screen stylus lmao, etc...... touch pro is the way to go :>

lmaoo i'm sorry i forgot all that shit dash lol i didnt want to say it bc it hurts every time i hear a description bc it ain't in canada yet lmfao
lmaoo i'm sorry i forgot all that shit dash lol i didnt want to say it bc it hurts every time i hear a description bc it ain't in canada yet lmfao

hahahahhaaa just have to make sure he realizes what he is missing..... and it will be soon enough young grasshopper :>
damn i own the whole series..... go and download them now and watch them.... they are greast movies :> and arent you supposed to be in school right now ray?

nah my school has the day off today it's a "professional development day"

in other words teachers have to go school and kids sit around at home lol