FREE Touch PRO upgrade with TEP if you have the MOGUL


If you want to upgrade your mogul and get the pro because you are experiencing problems with it go to this link and follow the directions. I did and i'm waiting for it right now, $0 bucks out the door for me!

It will cost you nothing if you have TEP insurance, if you don't then i think its $55 bucks, not sure.. let me know how it goes for you guys.


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damn nice find, can you confirm if this works or not cause i just got my touch pro for a discount because of all of the issues but if they are replacing mogul's for touch pro's i'm gonna try and get me a refund
damn nice find, can you confirm if this works or not cause i just got my touch pro for a discount because of all of the issues but if they are replacing mogul's for touch pro's i'm gonna try and get me a refund

Yeah it works did it this morning on my Mogul lol , they didnt offer me a Touch Pro but they did offer me a Diamond for 50 bucks which you can't beat....
Yeah it works did it this morning on my Mogul lol , they didnt offer me a Touch Pro but they did offer me a Diamond for 50 bucks which you can't beat....

damn, i'm definitely raising some hell tomorrow with sprint...thanks for confirming that this works
All of you who want a Touch pro your not getting 1 through sprint not to sound like a jerk i mean they dont even have enough to replace my friends but if you get 1 your really luck and i couldent see how because thats unfair to the people who bought the device and they cant even replace theres
I would'nt raise hell with them lol , just have to tell why your phone dont work and they will replace really no questions asked.

nah i already got my touch pro, i'm gonna raise hell cause i had the mogul and jumped through all of the hoops to get my pro for a discount. I ended up paying $300 and just got my phone literally four days ago. So i'm gonna have a little chat with them and see if I can get me a refund.

--------- New Post Merged on 18/1/2009 at 04:28:48 --------

All of you who want a Touch pro your not getting 1 through sprint not to sound like a jerk i mean they dont even have enough to replace my friends but if you get 1 your really luck and i couldent see how because thats unfair to the people who bought the device and they cant even replace theres

They are getting the phone through Asurion, though I don't know if the sprint stock and the asurion stock come from the same place
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Awww Man! I just took my Mogul to the sprint store in Milwaukee because it would no longer sync and they gave me a new Mogul because they were still in stock. I guess that what I get for not visiting the site.
I checked a few days ago because I had a problem with my Mogul. They said they were out of stock of the Mogul and Out of stock of the Touch Pro. They are offering the touch diamond for now, unless you want to be put on the wait list for another Mogul.
My brother has the Mogul aswell, but he fought a little harder and they told him they were going to send him a Touch Pro but he has to wait a couple of weeks to get it. I couldnt wait so I ended up getting the Diamond. We both have insurance on our phones so it only cost $50 each. Im using my Diamond right now. Its ok, id rather have the Touch Pro cuz of the keyboard but oh well. I cant wait that long....
well that's awesome for you guys and everyone with SPRINT, but not all of us have Sprint, I'm with Alltel. I'm guessing Alltel doesn't provide this option? I have insurance and I think it's a deductible of $50 bucks. Will do some checking, but if anyone else has Alltel and has any info regarding them and their policies, please advise.

Happy for you to have gotten this to work for ya, enjoy your touch pro, you are very lucky!!!!
So yeah good thing I call for my Mogul yesterday cause today I made it toast. Getting ready forgot i left in on the tale in the bathroom fell into the toilet. So now dont feel so bad about sending ii in for a crack now it has a real problem Lmao.......
hey so i just did this and they offered me a touch pro for 55 bucks... hell yeah.. so should i relock my mogul and take it back to wm 6.1 stock before i send it in
That little pouch thingy they have for the pro sucks. I prefered the magnetic connection one that came with the mogul. This damn thing is velcrow. WTF?!?!? I just got into a slight jog for a second one day and my pro that i paid out the azz for jumped right on out (the velcrow doesn't even attach anymore) and instead of just landing on the concrete, instead it lands on my forward swinging foot. So now i have drop kicked my pro across the cement parking lot and it cracks the screen permanently disables my gps antennae and screws with my sound quality. I just paid over 3 or 4 hundred for this phone plus activation plus my monthly services plus for full insurance and because they consider a cracked screen cosmetic damage i have to pay a 50 dollar deductable. HELL NO!!!! I tried this out and a cracked screen was one of the options that i could choose for why my phone is defective. Now i have a new (or possibly refurbished) pro on its way via UPS overnight shipment for absolutely free (also thanks to the insurance). I appreciate the posting bro. Excellent looking out!!!!

--------- New Post Merged on 19/1/2009 at 01:25:31 --------

absolutely no joke and no i spelled that wrong....not even 45 seconds after my last post the UPS man knocks on my door with my pro!!!! Thanks again man!!
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thanks iceman... already searching for relocker and 6.1... gonna be kinda sad seeing my mogul "stock".... do you think sprint really checks "defective phones" cause mine runs pretty good
thanks iceman... already searching for relocker and 6.1... gonna be kinda sad seeing my mogul "stock".... do you think sprint really checks "defective phones" cause mine runs pretty good

No they do not last time i sent in my Mogul is was completely modded custom rom everything they didnt say a thing to me , matter a fact people inside the store where playing with it lmao
i would pay 55 bucks for a touch pro all day!!! I'm going to try this with my carrier and see if it works, what are the "issues" you guys are telling them are the malfuntioning problems exactly...(except for the cracked screen thing) lol

just wanna have all my ducks in a row before I call!!!! thanks a bunch!!!