[Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

Just rename it with total commander by clicking it once then wait 1 sec and click again in the letters of the name. It will let you rename it. I also think there is a cab you need to dowload in order to be able to change the start icon, pretty sure thats what nine sicks said.
you need the sdkcerts cab i posted below.


I Installed the Cab files in the correct order, but my background image on each of the 14 tabs is just black. I have the flashy windows 7 background image when the phone first starts, but thats about it. I even selected background as one of the images in the system tab, but it didn't take... any ideas?? It also seems kinda sluggish now as well
yes with some roms you need to do this...

First goto your settings tab in touchflow and click wallpaper, a box pops open do you wish to use default.. click yes

Then go into the same tab "settings" click wallpaper then say no to default a pop up opens from there click the down arrow beside "my pictures" and choose "my documents" and my 3 wallpapers are inside there chose the one you want.

Done :o)
Another question guys do you have 2 use your wallpaper ,ive seen alot of replys saying they cant c but a black screen on some tabs ,and then i c probex explaining how 2 get his wallpaper in settings .Thanks AMJ
yes with some roms you need to do this...

First goto your settings tab in touchflow and click wallpaper, a box pops open do you wish to use default.. click yes

Then go into the same tab "settings" click wallpaper then say no to default a pop up opens from there click the down arrow beside "my pictures" and choose "my documents" and my 3 wallpapers are inside there chose the one you want.

Done :o)

Hey I opened the TF3D icon in settings, and there is nothing in there to modify a background image. The only place in the phone that I can see where you can modify one is in the "today" icon, and there is a option to browse for an image; which is what I originally tried... still puzzled. This theme pack is really cool looking and it would be awesome if I could get it to work..
okay, so i was running mighty 4.12, but it kept messing up with the tf3d themes. so i flashed back to jugg's rom, and now this theme runs smoothhhhh! and for the people worrying about the background, yes you will see the background trough all the pages, unless you are running a stock rom, in which case you need the background for all pages cab. thanks probex!
okay, so i was running mighty 4.12, but it kept messing up with the tf3d themes. so i flashed back to jugg's rom, and now this theme runs smoothhhhh! and for the people worrying about the background, yes you will see the background trough all the pages, unless you are running a stock rom, in which case you need the background for all pages cab. thanks probex!

You should not need to add the background for all tabs cab as its already included in my theme. If it does not take right away and you have a black screen with a little white box in the corner just goto the settings tab click wallpaper the chose default [this should turn it black and it removed the white box] then click on the wallpaper selector again and choose no then select your my documents folder from the down arrow beside the my pictures text then select one of the 3 I installed in your my documents folder or try one of your own.

I need help i have a stok sprint rom... Can someone help me plz! I really want this skin!!!!!!!!!!
DRose's Avatar
Phone Model: Mogul <<< If this is still true you will need more help then we can give you to get this running :o)

TF3D is needed if thats what you have all the instructions are in the first post.

lol, holy shit, i totally missed that. i guess i forget that there are still moguls out there....... but yeah Drose, you cant use this on the mogul. you can search for tf2d themes thou. just write tf2d themes in the search bar and you will find what you crave for.
man my weather tab doesnt work with this skin....i even hard reset and installed this first...it will not work...i uninstall and stock tf3d weather works fine...probex and ideas.....
man my weather tab doesnt work with this skin....i even hard reset and installed this first...it will not work...i uninstall and stock tf3d weather works fine...probex and ideas.....

I'm drawing a blank on how that is happening?

So what are you saying if you go to your weather tab there is nothing there?

Did you ever install a custom weather cities cab... not the one that you can edit.. but the one that was pre editied?
I'm drawing a blank on how that is happening?

So what are you saying if you go to your weather tab there is nothing there?

Did you ever install a custom weather cities cab... not the one that you can edit.. but the one that was pre editied?

no one you can edit.....as soon as i uninstall this theme...the tab works....reinstall nothing....like i said tried on a fresh hard reset as well...same results..
I used the weather database editor to add cities to this theme? It works no problems for me? I'm confused... anyone else having weather tab issues?