Whats new in 2.0
-StarROM.tsk - custom task & softkey bar in all app (check it out)
-Finger Keyboard as default (but still has black ezinput)
-6.5 taskbar icons
-htc calculator now works in Titanium Version
-All Manila bugs are worked out and boy its SMOOTH! (g-alarm to be pathched in next release) - but world clock is disabled
-fixed Tachi Volume Control with Sys or Ring Volume seperate or combined
-Nue KeyboardLight 1.7
-Nue NullKeyboard for lanscape
-Nue GPSSecurity
-Nue FastCharge battery.dll
StarROM 2.0
2.0m - Tf3d2
2.0t - Titanium
Comm Manager Skin is messed. Install This - CommManager Fix
HTC Calculator link on the start menu doesnt work ( found a fix )
htcCalculator was already installed, the issue was only that the link on the start menu was not connected to the actual program. So you just go to Device/Windows and scroll until you see htcCalculator in there. After that hold down on it and copy. Navigate to Device/Windows/Start Menu/Programs and delete the HTC Calculator shortcut that is already there. Then just paste shortcut and if you want you can rename the shortcut to HTC Calculator instead of htcCalculator.
Windows Media Player link on start menu doesnt work ( found a fix )
The same procedure as 1 except the file you are looking for in Device/Windows is wmplayer and you can delete Windows Media shortcut from Device/Windows/Start Menu/Programs and then paste this one and rename it to Windows Media.
If Opera 9.5 Beta is closed using the x button in the upper right instead of using Menu > exit > ok the widgets menu comes up and you cant reopen Opera without either a soft reset or using a dask manager to end the opera9.exe process.
The only fix for this is using the Menu > Exit > ok instead of the x there isnt a fix that i have found other than that.
The default lock option is not 6.5 default; it is the old device lock from 6.1 ( found the fix.. this may have been outlined somewhere and I overlooked it )
If you go to Start > Settings > Lock > Display Tab > change to windows default instead of windows classic and it will be the 6.5 lock press ok and you'll be all set.
I won't be held responsible for anything you do to your phone!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to all of PPC Geeks for giving us geeks something to do.
Also thank to:
JD - for providing the origanal kitchen that I learned from, to edit and make my own. (goto his post and thanks him)
Juicy - for his amazing ROMs which inspired me to make my own.
And many others whos work I have learned from.
Even though StarRom is provided free of charge, if you'd like to buy me a beer feel free to [URL="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_butt
i take no credit for this rom and oeiginal thread can be found here:
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