Need Help (TP Wont Start up) :-(


New 2 Modding,Wanna Help?
Dont know what happened... But When I try to soft reset it comes back to the screen u see in the pic attached... Plz help, all responses welcomes.

Um from that pic that don't look good , did you try and flash a rom that was not for your phone ?
It should say R 1.03.05 for example then D with number behind it too. Need more details

I didnt try to flash anything.... I had the probex 7 skin/theme and it was working... then it turned off, I turned back on, and Ive got that all day.. It was normal use, it just stopped working.
I didnt try to flash anything.... I had the probex 7 skin/theme and it was working... then it turned off, I turned back on, and Ive got that all day.. It was normal use, it just stopped working.

Not sure how you randomly lose your radio like that or Rom for that matter it had to been something you did threw out the day. Download the stock TP rom and flash your phone. You might mannelly put it into Bootloader mode. Then flash
the question is do you know how to flash a rom bridgeport?

Never flashed a rom. Thats why i only did the theme/skin.. if anything imma have to hard reset.

But My phone says now

"The Device is unable to boot because either you have turned off the device incorrectly or tried to install an application from untrusted source.

Press Volume Up to reset your device or press any other button to cancel

This operation will delete all your personal data and restore the device to its factory default settings."

Tried a while ago, and after that... Im a bit scared... i dont have the $$ to get a new one if it breaks. I guess i will in time.... Im really Waiting on the TP2 for Sprint.

its really not that bad and if you want i offer a service to mod the devices out for you which includes flashing it to a custom rom.... if you want just hit me up through pm and i can get you more info..... also you will love every ppc more with a custom rom siince the stocker rom is horrendous and making your experiece crappy guarnteed.
If u read the directions of flashing and unlocking your phone u will see that its actually very first time i was scared but it all worked and custom roms are the way to go, i have flashed alot...
If u read the directions of flashing and unlocking your phone u will see that its actually very first time i was scared but it all worked and custom roms are the way to go, i have flashed alot...

LOL yeah i was super scared the first time , now with doing a rom i probably flashed over 30 times in the last week lol..... and have gotten sometime to where i will only boot into the first screen haha....
LOL yeah i was super scared the first time , now with doing a rom i probably flashed over 30 times in the last week lol..... and have gotten sometime to where i will only boot into the first screen haha....

Lol... Wanna hear a crazy story... I think i have bad luck with this touch pro.. Yesterday went to NY to see a friend. (Im from CT). Before I go to NY my phone was all good, ive always had a chip on the side of my phone near the volume up/down. So long story short, on my way home my phone dies from me using it all day @ the beach. (didnt drop it or anything). I go to charge my phone and its not charging. I take it to a sprint tech and he says the pins that connect my phone to the batt is smashed in and its nothing he can do about it, because the phone has a chip/hole and its physical damage. Now I have to pay a $100 deductible to get a new one... this shit sucks.