OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

i went into best buy this afternoon to get a case for my ipod..spent quite a bit of time looking and deciding, just couldnt find what i wanted then I turn the corner and 1 left on the end display was a case that i was looking for and it had a $25 itunes card with it. Regular price at 49.99 and its on clearence for 24.99..i lucked out....i was very happy cause i just couldnt find a case that would work and this is perfect............
hahahahah with your luck you would.

yea i know......i can't catch a break ...................

hell ya i gotta get my tickets.........i couldnt even imagine.............

i'd leave all my work stuff in my work car in front of my employer running. EVERYTHING running and i'd break the door locks so it'd run til it was out of gas. oh and i might fly up and see supe, hey dash has venum, and take him out to lunch in NYC. maybe we'd get a dozen or so deep fried tweenkies from the Chip Shop. supe seems metro so he could introduce me to some hotties.

i caught it and upgraded it to windows 9 ....

i just updated to office 2010 today. perk of IT stuff at work.

ahhahahahaha stop getting jealous.... you have been jealous and calling me that ever since i left you for venum..... jsut get over it bigger isnt always better since you couldnt work it wow dim done and forcing myself to forget i wrote that.

can we please go one day without hearing about this??? no i'm not jealous, just not feelin any love.

what ever.....venum is here right now....were role playing something about mary....

=O................i got notin for that...................but............................wow, the hair scene????
i went into best buy this afternoon to get a case for my ipod..spent quite a bit of time looking and deciding, just couldnt find what i wanted then I turn the corner and 1 left on the end display was a case that i was looking for and it had a $25 itunes card with it. Regular price at 49.99 and its on clearence for 24.99..i lucked out....i was very happy cause i just couldnt find a case that would work and this is perfect............

so basically you ot it for free since 25 with 25 dollar gift card? or was it 25 total minus the gift card already.