[HTC-PRO2] [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Re: [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

im noticing with all these roms i cant get my pic mail to send or recieve pics,any reason why that is?

if you read the first post of many of these roms they have mms fixes or attempts for fixes... all the roms you are trying are prolly manila 2.5 roms like this... if you go with 2.1 senseui rom you will get the stability and the picture mail that you want.
Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

I ablsolutly love this rom so fast smooth and everything works perfect so far. The only thing I can not figure out (have searched) is I sync my google contacts and calander and then use an owa for my email but this will not allow it, I was always able to do this on my 6800 and 6850 but it seems to vary with the tp2 and which rom I use can some one please shed some light on this? Thanks For The Awesome Rom!
Re: [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

so far so good, hes done it again. just keeps on getting better and better. animation is fast and speedy. still no mms on sprint but no biggy. just disabled HTC Messaging for now. didnt have to install Conflipper North America cab. My location worked awesome. Gps locks in fast. Sweet Rom! If only there was a way to get Mms working without and fixes then this rom would be complete for me 100%. keep it comming...
Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

does it not work with arcsoft mms?? i have to find the cab and will try will let ya know.
Re Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

does it not work with arcsoft mms?? i have to find the cab and will try will let ya know.

well if u can get it to work with sprint then let me know. i tried it once and it didnt work so i just disabled the htc messaging. if u get it working, post ur settings and ill see if it works after work.
Re Re Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

well if u can get it to work with sprint then let me know. i tried it once and it didnt work so i just disabled the htc messaging. if u get it working, post ur settings and ill see if it works after work.

i'm testing that at the time of this posting. so far no luck. if i can get it to work, i'll post the instuctions.
Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

if you read the first post of many of these roms they have mms fixes or attempts for fixes... all the roms you are trying are prolly manila 2.5 roms like this... if you go with 2.1 senseui rom you will get the stability and the picture mail that you want.

He's right. All of the Manilla 2.5 roms have the mms issue (at least on the verizon side). But what is it about 2.5 that makes mms so bad? I'm starting to think HTC will have to make a 2.5 for the tp2's. Maybe it will be in the stock upgrade to wm6.5. That would rock
Re Re Re Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

i'm testing that at the time of this posting. so far no luck. if i can get it to work, i'll post the instuctions.

here is the fix. I can confirm it works for me on Sprint at the time of this post.

1. download Arcsoft 5 0 94 128c

2. set up the settings for your provider ie sprint is

3. don't forget to connect via sprint at the bottom. This needs to be done by going to the mail tab/inbox/menu/pics video options the select cdma servers and edit the settings there.

4. open registry editor...go to hklm, SOFTWARE, Arcsoft, Arcsoft MMS UA, Config, mm1, MMSCSetting, SprintMMSC(or whatever you called your default server) and change all 4 wap settings to 5120000. I also did the same for the sample servers. there are three (3) folders, two(2) with sample in the name. change all three folders wap settings

4. You can now send without a problem.

5. For receiving. Once the message is downloaded, you can view it once the popup comes up saying the message is done downloading under the "view" option. However, to view it again after closing it, go to your e mail tab, tap "inbox" and swipe left or right to get to the windows text messaging tab. The message your received with the attached picture is viewable. Unfortunately, the pic is still not viewable under New HTC messaging app. At least you can view regular sms through the text messaging tab by tapping them instead of going to all messages like before with the "disable cab" Not perfect but a lot better than before.

all credit goes to crookdbill @ ppcgeeks. I just edited it for content and more peep friendly instructions.
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Re Re Re Re Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

here is the fix. I can confirm it works for me on Sprint at the time of this post.

1. download Arcsoft 5 0 94 128c

2. set up the settings for your provider ie sprint is

3. don't forget to connect via sprint at the bottom. This needs to be done by going to the mail tab/inbox/menu/pics video options the select cdma servers and edit the settings there.

4. open registry editor...go to hklm, SOFTWARE, Arcsoft, Arcsoft MMS UA, Config, mm1, MMSCSetting, SprintMMSC(or whatever you called your default server) and change all 4 wap settings to 5120000. I also did the same for the sample servers. there are three (3) folders, two(2) with sample in the name. change all three folders wap settings

4. You can now send without a problem.

5. For receiving. Once the message is downloaded, you can view it once the popup comes up saying the message is done downloading under the "view" option. However, to view it again after closing it, go to your e mail tab, tap "inbox" and swipe left or right to get to the windows text messaging tab. The message your received with the attached picture is viewable. Unfortunately, the pic is still not viewable under New HTC messaging app. At least you can view regular sms through the text messaging tab by tapping them instead of going to all messages like before with the "disable cab" Not perfect but a lot better than before.

all credit goes to crookdbill @ ppcgeeks. I just edited it for content and more peep friendly instructions.

HEY HEY I'm at AMJ too :)
Made a solo thread with more in depth step by step instructions at ppcgeeks.

Thanks for giving credit on your post Psycho TK :) It's been working for me all day.
Re: Re Re Re Re Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

great rom, after you flash it automatically comes up which carrier you want to provision to. Love the customize feature so all cabs install at the same time. great rom
Re Re Re Re Re Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

HEY HEY I'm at AMJ too :)
Made a solo thread with more in depth step by step instructions at ppcgeeks.

Thanks for giving credit on your post Psycho TK :) It's been working for me all day.

np dude. credit where credit is due.
Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

thanks guys, i had read this over at ppc already and hadnt tried it. but im gonna try it now and check it out. it just would be awesome if we didnt have to do all these tweakin to get it to work but thats 2.5 for ya...lol

--------- New Post Merged on 16/11/2009 at 11:02:45 --------

here is the fix. I can confirm it works for me on Sprint at the time of this post.

1. download Arcsoft 5 0 94 128c

2. set up the settings for your provider ie sprint is

3. don't forget to connect via sprint at the bottom. This needs to be done by going to the mail tab/inbox/menu/pics video options the select cdma servers and edit the settings there.

4. open registry editor...go to hklm, SOFTWARE, Arcsoft, Arcsoft MMS UA, Config, mm1, MMSCSetting, SprintMMSC(or whatever you called your default server) and change all 4 wap settings to 5120000. I also did the same for the sample servers. there are three (3) folders, two(2) with sample in the name. change all three folders wap settings

4. You can now send without a problem.

5. For receiving. Once the message is downloaded, you can view it once the popup comes up saying the message is done downloading under the "view" option. However, to view it again after closing it, go to your e mail tab, tap "inbox" and swipe left or right to get to the windows text messaging tab. The message your received with the attached picture is viewable. Unfortunately, the pic is still not viewable under New HTC messaging app. At least you can view regular sms through the text messaging tab by tapping them instead of going to all messages like before with the "disable cab" Not perfect but a lot better than before.

all credit goes to crookdbill @ ppcgeeks. I just edited it for content and more peep friendly instructions.

oh yeah, just one more thing about this. why would u have to download arcsoft again if its already in R3?
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Re Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

When I tried to send a mms with the default arcsoft, it would not go through. It could have been me though. That is why I installed the newest arcsoft. It was also 4 in the morning when I did all this. You can try it with the default arcsoft first and see if it works. Please let me know so I can edit my thread to reflect the change.

thanks guys, i had read this over at ppc already and hadnt tried it. but im gonna try it now and check it out. it just would be awesome if we didnt have to do all these tweakin to get it to work but thats 2.5 for ya...lol

--------- New Post Merged on 16/11/2009 at 11:02:45 --------

oh yeah, just one more thing about this. why would u have to download arcsoft again if its already in R3?
Re: [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

yeah thats what i saw when i was checkin it out. well it worked for me and mms works! works like a charm, i sent out pics and they got them and sent me pics and i got them. good job crookdbill
Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

yeah thats what i saw when i was checkin it out. well it worked for me and mms works! works like a charm, i sent out pics and they got them and sent me pics and i got them. good job crookdbill

so are you saying it worked without the download? If not I can not find that .cab I have an older version which the phoen rejects. Thanks
Re Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

so are you saying it worked without the download? If not I can not find that .cab I have an older version which the phoen rejects. Thanks

No bro he meant he got it working with the newest version , and here u go bro after u install this u have to follow the instructions that crookbill wrote up for us and u should be good. follow up with some updates thanks and i will be trying this aswell :rolleyes:
Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

For those of you who dont wanna mess with resistry editor try this it works that same way thanks to astronusx over at ppcgeeks for this :

For simplicity, you can do the following the achieve same result as OP.

1. download Arcsoft 5 0 94 128c

2. Unzip attached SprintMMS.zip (Note: If you don't have RegEditor, use attached TaskMrg, it has regeditor inside to import)
3. Use TaskMrg below or your RegEditor to Import registry files to your phone

Go to Start --> Email -> SMS / MMS --> New --> Picture Message and compose ur MMS


I also attached the newest arcsoft


Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

maybe I am a retard but it will not let me install arcsoft mms says it was unsuccesful
Re: Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

maybe I am a retard but it will not let me install arcsoft mms says it was unsuccesful

are you installing to the main memory and also have you tried to redownload the cab to make sure it wasnt a corrupt file?
Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

yes main memory and downloaded twice becasue i thought it was bad first time around? will try again