Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Re Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

haha if android dtook out wm that fast iphone would be done for too hahha they havent even got rid of wm

me personally i dont like android phones. my wife as i said has the moment and her sis has the htc hero. i rather have wm u can do some much more with it plus i dont want to learn another os as in the android os.
Re: Re Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

me personally i dont like android phones. my wife as i said has the moment and her sis has the htc hero. i rather have wm u can do some much more with it plus i dont want to learn another os as in the android os.

you cant do more with it... there is an app to fill in the blanks with android... look through the app store and such you will findmany useful apps and not all fun and games ones like the iphone app store with few useful ones added to it.
Here is an update:

They are now sending Pre's as one of the choices for replacement. The Moment is no longer on the list and still no TP2's
Here is an update:

They are now sending Pre's as one of the choices for replacement. The Moment is no longer on the list and still no TP2's

really? how is that comparable when it cant be used on all accounts... i hope they are telling people that before they make the choice or offer it.
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

I hope so too. My phone just broke and REALLY Want to get myu hands on the TP2.
Re: Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Sprint stores and tech agents over the phone and higher up have confirmed that the touch pro 2 is backordered until after christmas. The pre is being offered but they are doing this to move the sero customer to newer plans as well as get people off the tp. They are killing two birds with one stone. Its odd how 99% of the stores in NYC still have not gotten the TP2 to sell to customers.
Re: Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Sprint stores and tech agents over the phone and higher up have confirmed that the touch pro 2 is backordered until after christmas. The pre is being offered but they are doing this to move the sero customer to newer plans as well as get people off the tp. They are killing two birds with one stone. Its odd how 99% of the stores in NYC still have not gotten the TP2 to sell to customers.

nowhere in the state of michigan is expected to have them in store until after christmas.... verizon has all there phones in stock in my area right now..... thats the difference right there with verizon, they have them in stock and they dont "repair" the phones they give you a brand new unrefurbished device no questions asked if they see what you are talking about easily.... loving it with veriozn and dont have to worry about the nonsense anymore... already did the above with my droid and have to admit it was the best customer service i have received from a phone provider ever... hell i didnt even feel bad buying a case and a 3 pack of screen protectors for the droid eris especially since my company idscount gives me 25% off all accessories and 22% off my bill :smile:
i played back and forth through advance exchange advance tech support and the repair center, last resort asurion and the truth. I called em up said I had 4 replacment phones and would be happy to pay 100.00 if they would give me another phone becaus of all the problems with the tp. I told the lady right now the only comparable model is the tp2 can you help me. She told me to hold on came back on and said due to the replacment and issues you have had I checked out inventory and we will be sending you a NIB TP2. Well worth the 100.00 bucks!! Its the best on I have had yet. Put some R3 on there and you will fall in love again. Best of luck to ya all. My suggestion suck it up and pay 100.00 its worth it with all the time arguing and crap trying to get it for free. I mean it is a 600.00 phone!
Re Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

nowhere in the state of michigan is expected to have them in store until after christmas.... verizon has all there phones in stock in my area right now..... thats the difference right there with verizon, they have them in stock and they dont "repair" the phones they give you a brand new unrefurbished device no questions asked if they see what you are talking about easily.... loving it with veriozn and dont have to worry about the nonsense anymore... already did the above with my droid and have to admit it was the best customer service i have received from a phone provider ever... hell i didnt even feel bad buying a case and a 3 pack of screen protectors for the droid eris especially since my company idscount gives me 25% off all accessories and 22% off my bill :smile:
yea i would switch but the plan im currently on with sprint is ridiculous like if i back out now it would be stupidity on my end. The service is great never had a problem with service or anything just the phones. I got my touch pro swapped for a tp2 the day the tp2 came out due to a previous promise already notated. I still dont understand why Sprint stores still dont have this phone and its been over 2 months since the phone released. Do you think it might never hit the stores and they will just bring the Leo out in early 2010?
Re: Re Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

yea i would switch but the plan im currently on with sprint is ridiculous like if i back out now it would be stupidity on my end. The service is great never had a problem with service or anything just the phones. I got my touch pro swapped for a tp2 the day the tp2 came out due to a previous promise already notated. I still dont understand why Sprint stores still dont have this phone and its been over 2 months since the phone released. Do you think it might never hit the stores and they will just bring the Leo out in early 2010?

mo it will come out, they hasve to much money into the design and all the others stuff into the phone and theres too much of a demand ofr it to not come to stores... any provider that had online phones only in my opinion is stupid.
I got my TP replaced easy, Walked into a sprint store not a authorized dealer, was like my keyboard went out, the lady was like lemme see it, yeah we have alot of problems with this model, wrote a ticket and said if we cant fix we will wap u out with a brand new TP2 and it will be oreded today and can pick it up in a day or two, I came back to the store its like the phone never left the self she placed it on, they never even looked at the phone and they gave me a ticket to recieve my TP2, just that simple, I was ready to complain my azz off like my phone gets so hott it melted my synthetic covers or it melted my backpack, Or it keeps turning off in calls something to make them replace and upgrade...
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

really? how is that comparable when it cant be used on all accounts... i hope they are telling people that before they make the choice or offer it.

Oh yeah that is a requirement that we look at the customers account first and see what plan they have before we offer that and if they want that then we have to explain to them that their plan will need to be changed.
FWIW, I'm just East of Atlanta... I've been to two different repair centers, talked over the phone with Sprint & Asurion. I have the TEP.

The repair centers regret to inform me that the only off the shelf replacement they can give me are Blackberries & lesser phones like the Snap. They're at least honest & confess that the Snap is crap compared with the Touch Pro.

Sprint customer service won't discuss it & sends me to Asurion. Anyone know a work around?

Asurion will replace it with a refurbished TP. I went the refurbished route with my Apache & will never have another refurbished phone. I went through FIVE refurbished Apaches, which meant I basically went without a phone for over a month.

While parts of my TP are broken, and I do want a replacement, I cannot afford to risk receiving another long line of broken refurbished phones.
tell the insurance company that!! Tell them that you will not pay a deductable for a refurb phone and that the warranty will not replace it with a touch pro due to how bad they are and all the issues! SO I would be happy to pay 100 bucks for the NIB replacment TP2 as this is the only phone that is comparable. Be honest DO NOT YELL and see what happens. It worked for me best 100.00 and 15 min I ever spent better than the times to the warranty center!
I told them everything except that I'm willing to pay the $100. As of now, my "claim is open" in case I want to pursue it. I visited two more stores in the area (let's hear it for not living in the boonies, anymore!) and was told to call Sprint Customer Service and ask to be connected to the "customer retention" line.

Customer retention? I've been on hold for 15 minutes. Seriously.

I've told her the Snap is unsuitable because it's 1/2 the phone the TP is. I told her the Pre & BBs are unsuitable as they're not WinMo phones. All of that is true... to say nothing of the horrid BB/Pre keyboards. Yuck! Not ONCE did I say "Touch Pro Two." Yet, she started explaining why I couldn't get one, so I said, "I didn't say I wanted a Touch Pro Two. I said I want a new Touch Pro or comparable phone. If the Touch Pro Two is all you have, that's all you have."

Shortly after that, she put me on hold.

22 minutes, now.

We'll see. LOL.

Oh, btw, I never yell at customer service people. That's entirely inappropriate. If what I want requires me to act like a jerk, I need to reassess "what I want."
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

I told them everything except that I'm willing to pay the $100. As of now, my "claim is open" in case I want to pursue it. I visited two more stores in the area (let's hear it for not living in the boonies, anymore!) and was told to call Sprint Customer Service and ask to be connected to the "customer retention" line.

Customer retention? I've been on hold for 15 minutes. Seriously.

I've told her the Snap is unsuitable because it's 1/2 the phone the TP is. I told her the Pre & BBs are unsuitable as they're not WinMo phones. All of that is true... to say nothing of the horrid BB/Pre keyboards. Yuck! Not ONCE did I say "Touch Pro Two." Yet, she started explaining why I couldn't get one, so I said, "I didn't say I wanted a Touch Pro Two. I said I want a new Touch Pro or comparable phone. If the Touch Pro Two is all you have, that's all you have."

Shortly after that, she put me on hold.

22 minutes, now.

We'll see. LOL.

Oh, btw, I never yell at customer service people. That's entirely inappropriate. If what I want requires me to act like a jerk, I need to reassess "what I want."

Keep it comming bro this story is getting good lol
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Alrighty, finally off the phone.

No TP2 coming this way any time soon.

The phones customer retention and/or any customer service people have are for new activations or upgrades only. I can have a TP2 if I want to re-up my contract. I've been off contract forever and have no desire to go back.

If I want a phone NOW, my options are to either take the re-furb from Asurion (the customer retention lady recommends I don't do this as it costs me the $50 deductible & I'll get a questionable refurb,) or I can take whatever my store has in stock and is willing to give me.

My stores, as I mentioned earlier, only have Snaps, Blackberries, and Pres in stock. I don't want any of them.

If I'm willing to do without GPS for a while, I can simply wait until the store has the TP2 in stock. The stores are only going to be carrying one top of the line WinMo phone, and they quit shipping the TP months ago, so they're all out of new TPs. The TP2s aren't in stock, yet, so if I want a viable replacement, I have to wait. When the TP2s ship enmasse, I can get one.

And, that's about what I thought was the situation hours ago.

Honestly, I think Sprint is doing the right thing, here. Why carry multiple top of the line WinMo phones? And, when HTC is between models, there is going to be a gap in supply. I can deal with that.

I discussed with the customer retention lady that my options - for now - are to either wait for TP2s to become available or to go to another carrier. She agreed, apologized, and was actually very honest.

Kudos to Sprint.
I went into the Sprint store last night and they are swap my TP for a brand new TP2 in the box. If your trying to switch go now before it's out of the system again. Good luck.
I went into the Sprint store last night and they are swap my TP for a brand new TP2 in the box. If your trying to switch go now before it's out of the system again. Good luck.

what area are you win? it depends on area for what they are going to be offering.