Recent content by 100million

  1. 1

    Holding Dowm Phone OFF button turns phone OFF (Disable)

    :064: You must have a registry editor installed on the PPC. I used PHM RegEdit Go to the registry and change the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> ControlPanel -> PhoneExtendFunction -> CDMA Change FlightModeSwitchByPnHEndKey This is a File not a folder This will prevent the phone from going...
  2. 1

    Holding Dowm Phone OFF button turns phone OFF (Disable)

    Thanks Dash I know those Ideas but I dont want to lock and unlock my phone. There has to be a Reg Edit thingy in Register of the phone to stop the 5 second hold down disconnect call that turns off the phone
  3. 1

    Holding Dowm Phone OFF button turns phone OFF (Disable)

    Is there any info in the Register that I can Change to turn off this Feature? The phone always turns off when i sit on it to long. and I only have a small BUTT Thanks Chris :PDT_Armataz_02_52::elf::elf::elf::elf::elf:
  4. 1

    Time lock.......... Slided 2 unlock?

    Is there any way to have my phone time out so to speak and lock after 30 sec or 1 min then slide to unlock? Chris
  5. 1

    Enable WIFI & Phone to work at same time

    I cant find " start registry editor go to HKEY LOCAL MACHINE>SERVICES>WirelessMGR" in the nes 3.35 rom in the edit regit any ideas?
  6. 1

    Sounds and notifications help

    Might be a good hack if you can figure it out
  7. 1

    Sounds and notifications help

    Hey Dash Is there a way to put a check in the event log to repeat a sound for a text message or voice mail? Go setting. Sounds and notifacations. Event. then Text message.... the check mark cant be checked for repeat. Thanks Chris
  8. 1

    Help find DASH a 1TB Drive BINGO ....CHEAP......

    I got some PLYWOOD he can use to build a box
  9. 1

    Help find DASH a 1TB Drive BINGO ....CHEAP......

    Update: Shipping is now free Best Buy has Seagate 7200.11 1TB Serial ATA internal hard drive with 32MB cache for $190 with no rebates. In-store pickup is free, otherwise shipping is $7. If getting it in store directly, you may be able to use an additional 10% coupon for RewardZome members or...
  10. 1

    Bluetooth other cellular carriers phone rings?

    Dash this will not work with some carriers I have Sprint and they have US Cellular and they will not see each other when I try to beam a ring tone and when I blue tooth them together I can figure out how to send the file Sorry I am dumb Chris
  11. 1

    Bluetooth other cellular carriers phone rings?

    hey I have a friend that has us cellular service and i have the mogul and my daughter has rumor and we cant bluetooth so we can send ring tones you know how to bluetooth them? Plus how do you bluetooth Files on mogul???
  12. 1

    TOUCH MODS STAFF'S FAVS (was D/\SH'S touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

    Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07 Very nice post DASH this is a good thread
  13. 1

    HTC performance

    Re: HTC* Performance (overclocking) Ok Here is a way to test if it is faster Open the Windows in the Device When the processing color wheel start spinning look what color it starts at and watch how many times it goes around before that file folder opens This folder is one of the largest...
  14. 1

    Ultimate Launch V 12 [Today plug-in that sets up tabs like a cube etc]

    Re: UltimateLaunch v1.2 help please I got a little problem with my Launcher 1 my contacts icon next to the SMS does not bring up my phone contacts. Got any Idea? I tryed to switch out the file with a few different files but no luck 2 how do i make my clock small in height so I dont have a...
  15. 1

    S2P - Slide2Play from A_C Ver. 0.15 released 2/24/08

    Is there a way to turn off all the folders except the ones that you have mp3 in? It would be nice to only see those folder and easy to find what you are looking for.