Recent content by BiG JeW

  1. B

    BiG JeWs MuRdER 187 Build 211 CDMA Touch PRO ONLY

    Re Re BiG JeWs MuRdER 187 Build 211 CDMA Touch PRO ONLY Correct... Had to move on to bigger and better things ( i mean that literally) Also, I wish I could keep every PPC i ever owned so I can keep the ROMS updated, but it doesnt seem to work out like that for me.
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    [Theme] TP2ALIENX PROBEX sneek peek

    Probey keep up the good work my friend..... This looks amaizing. Let me know if there is anything i can do to help with the release... graphics of course is not my thing...LoL
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    [HTC-PRO2] [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

    Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC] please post how you like the ROM... PROS and CONS..
  4. B

    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Win a FREE copy of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition

    Re Re Win a FREE copy of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition thanks... i figured i didnt win because no email was sent.... maybe next time.
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    [HTC-PRO2] "RhoPazIo" by JD [111809] (WM6.5) {online}[SPCS]

    Re Re RhoPazIo by JD [110909] (WM65 Online better than Mighty's ROM?? Im really satisfied, but if you know something i don't know, please elaborate lol.
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    tp2 Camcorder fix

    Re Re tp2 Camcorder fix agreed, im on Mightys and was using the camcorder all day yesterday and was surprised how well the vids came out... GL
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    [HTC-PRO2] ROM|11-24|Sprint TP2|6.5.3|Build 28002|*Reflectionist Rom*|Manila-Sprint2.1

    Re |117|Sprint TP2|651|Build 23081|Reflectionist Rom|ManilaSprint21 Thanks Dash.. ........ Im thinking about it... i dunno if I should flash.
  8. B

    [FREEWARE] (Homescreen Touch One 012 Alpha v012 (WVGA/VGA/QVGA 19/11

    Re (Homescreen Touch One 01a (WVGA/VGA/QVGA Download is Up well i disabled my touch flo.. I went to install the CNET framwork, but my deivce says a newer is already installed (the newer came with the ROM). So then i installed the Touchone cab. soft reseted my device. I enabled Touchone on...
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    [HTC-PRO2] 11/25/09 RhodiumW

    Re: Re MightyROM Rhodium Nominated for this Month..... Best ROM for the TP2 CDMA yet!
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    Touch Pro Bricked

    well if it does light up, u should be able to get in to boot loader mode.. Try this.. take the batt out. wait a few secs. Put the batt back in .. wait a few secs. HOLD VOLUME down center button and then the power button. Power should be the last one to press... try it a few times...
  11. B

    Too Funny Puppet Dancing

    I cant stop laughing... I HAD TO SHARE! ENJOY! 6j8Lp-JN1xI
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    [HTC-PRO2] [ROM/WWE/23506] [11/11/09] NATF's RhodiumW v1.1 [Titanium + TF3D 2.1]

    I take NO CREDIT for this ROM... ORIGINAL THREAD CAN BE FOUND HERE: NATF's RhodiumW ROMs | Current Release: v1.1 | 11/11/09 | I'm new to CDMA, so the overall thread layout/design is still very much a work in progress. Please bear with...
  13. B

    New Touch Pro2 User

    Re New Touch Pro2 User Hello and welcome to the site... You and Dash are from the same place.... Any way, please be sure to read the noob guide... Im sure since you have been on forum sites you know the drill... Welcome and ENJOY!
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    [HTC-PRO] |RAPH|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Akeo Manila 25

    Re Re |RAPH|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Akeo Manila 25 DONE! Thanks,.