Recent content by bigwilly30

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    [RELEASE] Alien-Ware By legend2700

    even with the background being a little blurry still rocks, i download it it to my diamond last night and it looks great, keep up the good work and let us know when u come out with the full version. --------- New Post Merged on 18/11/2008 at 01:20:21 -------- looks great on my diamond, cant...
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    slide to unlock skulls

    Re: slide to unlock skuls thank u for taking the time, im new to all this and trying to learn more.
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    slide to unlock skulls

    Re: slide to unlock skuls sorry to bother, just got ? how do i unrar the file
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    Hi everybody, new to the site and didnt know that i could do so much with my phone, came across this site did a couple of downlods now im hooked.:oh-yes: