Recent content by birdwell816

  1. B

    TOUCH MODS STAFF'S FAVS (was D/\SH'S touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

    Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07 Also my phone wont play the HTC audio manager that well either, it keeps sayin memory low, how can i fix this cause i only have like 6 or seven programs and none are homescreens, also is their any way to make it louder like a booster
  2. B

    TOUCH MODS STAFF'S FAVS (was D/\SH'S touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

    Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07 ok i finally fixed my phone to where its pretty much how i want it but i use the keyboard and the slide out, sumtime my light on the keyboard dosent come on, actually most of the time it dosesnt what can i do to fix it??
  3. B

    Someone help messed up my phone with downloads

    I jus got the Mogul wit sprint like 10 hrs ago and i have a bunch of stuff downloaded, anyway, i downloaded to sktool5 or whatever, from the DASH.............. watever forum (i downloaded everything i have 4rm thier) but now after i downloaded that sktool an messed with it, i messed up some of...
  4. B

    TOUCH MODS STAFF'S FAVS (was D/\SH'S touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

    Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07 if i erase the program will it put my button back down their??
  5. B

    TOUCH MODS STAFF'S FAVS (was D/\SH'S touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08

    Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07 please help i tried to use the sktool, an f'ed up, i need to restore the regular settings, sumbody help, basically all i messed up waz my left soft key (I THINK) but now its does nothing besides take me back to my phone screen with...
  6. B

    Please Read Getting Out Of Control!!!!!!!

    LOL yall funny 4 hittin on, her, tha vibe went from angry to aw im sorry?!?!? its funny, but yea i havent got tha mogul yet im tryin to get one my fone is do for upgrade so i get one cheaper for 299 but still looking for cheaper, i know its a deal, ill probably have to go with that tho jus gotta...
  7. B

    Hi from birdwell816

    Hi birdwell816, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...