Recent content by Cannon2511

  1. C

    ALIENX-by-PROBEX for Diamond PRO

    i tried to use the search before posting my previous reply but i was unsuccessful in this method thank you for your reply dash --------- New Post Merged on 21/11/2008 at 01:02:35 -------- Dash I just want to say thanks once again I finally got the theme to work on my touch pro and it looks...
  2. C

    ALIENX-by-PROBEX for Diamond PRO

    First I want to say thanks for the support from dash, big jew,and of course probex now i know all the discussion of the config tool has been discussed but i can't seem to find that thread could someone please post a link to this thread please i would greatly appreciate it thanks
  3. C

    Hello ALL

    Hello Everyone My Name is Cannon i currently own a sprint touch pro and have owned a wm phone for the past 3 years but this site is new to me but i'm glad i am here
  4. C

    HTC Diamond TouchFlo 3-D Iphone Skin

    Props to Big Jew for the quick response but as another member noted when i download the tfd config and click the setup it just opens up my browser my rom version is 1.03 can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong thanks in advance
  5. C

    ALIENX-by-PROBEX for Diamond PRO

    Hi all I am new here so I just want to take this time to say hello. But I want to thank probex for this theme but also i am having trouble getting the proper graphics for the TF3D icons the problems is i can't find were to place the SUS2gfx files for them to take effect any help would be appreciated