iHave aTouchHD n i have a fewProblems wit da wificonnection.
sometimes itWorks butMost of daTime itDoesntWhich iFindIncrediblyAnnoying n i haveStronglyBroughtReturning daDevice in2 consideration
cuz itDoesNot meet daFunctionsListed in da phonesDescription dis
is veryDisapointing cuz iHadVery highHopes in thisPhone.big screen=good=lots ofEmails i have to read. iThought itWouldHelpMe n my businesButApparently its just slowing it down.atFirst iThougt itWas because iWas in aDiferentRoom but after 6h iRealized myselfHolding daDeviceBetween da antennasOf da routerLike aFool,it doesntMatter where iAm. ridiculous.da deviceTells me dat iAmConnected butNothingWorks noEmails (youtubemsnetc.)how do iCorrect thisError?ohYeah iHave aBelkin(N)wifiRouter n my ipod's safariWorks all da timeUnsurprisingly.i checkedSetting they areAll setTo machMyRouter:wpa2-psk aes or tkip dosnt
matterWhich data encr. i pick it doesntWork n if itDoes it onlyWorks 4
aFew min.whatShould ido?