Running good bro. Hey can someone tell me why my time is a hour ahead now for some I know there is a fix for this but really the first time it ever happened to me.
--------- New Post Merged on 24/6/2009 at 07:32:42 --------
ok never mind I found it sorry about posting in here
Re: MysteryROM 4 [ 060709 ] - CE OS 5221731 [ Black Rhodium/Titanium ]
Great rom mystery. As always. Dash said dirty numbers..? that mean bad esn. I love buying phones with bad esn's. I use cricket... so I always welcome the bad esn's.
Re: MysteryROM 4 [ 052509 ] - CE OS 5221234 [ Black Rhodium/Titanium ]
Been running good for 2 days now... starting to get used to this 6.5 now...Mystery maybe you can help me cab a few reg settings:yahoo:. Really good job on this one man.
Re: MysteryROM 4 [ 052509 ] - CE OS 5221234 [ Black Rhodium/Titanium ]
Ok just like shortboy said. I flashed back to stock and then to the now outdated Had the same probs.. going to try the new one now..
Re: MysteryROM 3 Build 052309 5221232 (Build 21232 by Mystery)
Well i tried it 2 times. Once justed flashed WITHOUT hard reseting just a flash and go. It did hang and lockup. It seemed to really mess up when I turned the tf3d off. Than I flashed, then done a hard reset to see how it would act...
Re: MysteryROM 3 Build 052309 5221232 (Build 21232 by Mystery)
Ok im going to give it a try.... let me know what you was tring to install and i'll try and see if it works for me....
Re: Geto Boys Willie D Faces 20 Years in Prison for iPhone Scam
I bet his mind is playing tricks on him now for real.. and it don't really feel good to be a gangster now....
I ran in to the same thing on my 6900 it was the phone!!! Had to have the thing replaced. That rom was the best rom out for a long time..
Just don't forget to do a back-up before replacing like i did
Re: MysteryROM 3 Build 50509 (CE OS 5221502 Build 21502)
Ran this for about a week and went great, nothing hanging or messing up. Went back to 6.1 just was't feeling the the 6.5. Very well rounded rom with looks and style. I like the taskbar being added and the 4 row start and things like that...
Good looking out there Dash. Didn't think anyone looked at that profile part. I would have to say man you was right about the Telus radio!! Seems to be holding the charge alot better.
Re: [MAY0409] MightyROM 4/R3BORN
Very nice rom. Runs fast and very smooth. Has A good battery life. I installed a lot of programs that wasn't in the rom and everything seems to run flawless. Is there ever going to be a loaded MightyRom i wounder?:connie_mykilroy:
Ok im a real noob when it comes to radio's just to start. I flashed it to the telus radio last night and now i went from a 4 bars to seeing it bouce from 4 to 5 now. I know it sounds good boucing from 4 to 5 bars but will that save the bat as it keeps jumping 4 to 5 back to 4 about 10 times a...