ever since I flashed, my active sync won't sync up..i've tried uninstalling and reinstalling.. also instead of automatically finding and installing drivers it was asking me for the HTC USB Driver Disk.. I could not find any such thing but I did find the .SYS file it was looking for. Downloaded...
I got the ROM to install after I updated my radio. I notice the touchflo is in the list. I don't see it anywhere on my mogul. If this didnt install for some reason (which I thought a rom was basically like an image where there are no options as to what goes in it) then how would i make sure...
Just completed my first flashing of my Mogul (PPC-6800SP)
I followed all the D/\SH's instructions on flashing to a custom from a stock ROM.
I used this ROM Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 6.1 gps & Reva
Everything seems to go well.
to flash a custom rom from a stock rom
1. unlock your...
Just got a FREE mogul and now I'm waiting on my Nextel contract to fizzle so I can start using it. In the meantime I love the customizations and plan on making this microshaft device useful :)