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  • I actially have a tonnnn of apps i have 5 pages and i dont even use half of them but i have everything you named and my youtube app has alotta problems but i stick with 1 theme but i still have alot more and i think i am more of an iphone guy but its not a smart phone so i couldent use it as my only device cause i use alotta smartphone features that the iphone doesent have and how are speeds on att compared to sprint?
    Have you jailbreaked and unlocked it and what programs you got on there o and do you like it better then the pro?
    I don't really want tmobile cause Internet speeds cause in my area they don't even have 3g but have you got your phone yet?
    I dont think im goin to activate his thing cause all the plans are too pricey and im trying to save for a car so that monthly bill is goin to take a chunk out of it and im trying to see how much off a discount att imployees get off cause someone in my family works there but its still not goin to be cheap with the discount so looks like im goin to be using it as a toy
    I gotta sick theme and im goin to send you some shots but i have to find a program to snap them but im getting more used to it and more than likely im goin to just go with someone and just get a data plan but what service provider can do that?
    Well im using a program called smbprefs to change icons but its jailbroken and unlocked and have you gotten your iphone yet?
    Well thats good and how do you change the icons and you could get a fuze and iphone and just switch sims when you want something diffrent but thats what i would do
    Wont be here until saturday and i cant wait to jail break it and are you still goin to be active in the pc community and im looking around on how to change the icons and stuff but i cant wait!!and arent you goin to att??
    Your goin to miss the fast internet and cheap prices and talking retentions into anything lol but were are you goin att and by the way i did a trade for a new iphone 8gb for my pro
    I gotta diffrent one and its good now but im deffinatly not trading the guy is outta his mind the phone has a line across the screen and cracked at the bottom scratched up and to complete this its 4gb which is really old and i do know the diffrence bewtween the two but my old pro like just went crazy i couldent do anything with it even after hard resets and flashing to stock
    Its ok but my pro just broke the screen wouldent stop doin weird stuff and my replacement wont read my card i just hard reseted and some guys wants me to trade my extra pro for his 1st gen iphone would you do it?
    Try juggalos its ok but i really want a good rom and my stupid ipod touchs battery like just completly ran outta juice it wont even charge it stays in the red
    Yea and i just had to order another 1 but i need to find a new fast rom but they have no clue on when the pre is comming out and what rom you running?
    It keeps getting slower and slower i just flashed this rom the other day i guess i will be hard resetting tonight but im so tired of this restoring everything because its so time consuming but i txt like all day and this lagg on this keyboard is just crazy!!! And i thing im goin to try and get the palm pre for a side phone im liking the screen size
    Yea but my pro pissed me off today i was goin to a friend in the familys house i try and turn on the phone to see were they live and it wouldent turn on i had to soft reset and once it was turned on it was unresponsive but this ipod touch has been laggy and locking up its reminding me of the mogul lol but thats cool and i dont wanna even get att anymore because its high prices but it would be cool to have gsm and buy unlocked phones
    That does suck but just go on craigslist like i did and pick up a cheap ipod touch this things cool!
    Yea there are retards on there that sell 1st gens for 250 and some range in the 100-150 but ipod touchs are redicoulous the want like 290 but seen some for about 190 but think the had damage but i would be better off goin to a store and buying 1 if paying 290
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