Recent content by DOHCDragon

  1. D

    HTC performance

    this app installs easy, runs perfectly and does so much. if you have any question try any emulator before and after. wow. thanks again for this awsome app.
  2. D

    htc 6800 keeps restarting on battery

    yeah i dont know if im gonna mod this one as far as the rom goes. i have installed the overclocking program and the s2u2. the overclocking made a huge difference and the s2u2 is an awsome app. i cant believe there is nothing like that on the phone. so much better than the stock locking feature.
  3. D

    DOHCDragon sig and av

    basicly i own . i dotn sell anything on it its just sorta a way for me to show off my gaming stuff. i would like the picture at the top of the site that links to the site made as my sig. the avatar pic i can upload but i need to have less restraints.. its a little less than 6k...
  4. D

    htc 6800 keeps restarting on battery

    thanks for for all your help. the phone has been replaced and i learned alot in the prossess.
  5. D

    htc 6800 keeps restarting on battery

    D/\sh.... as much as it sucks my phone is messed up i would like to thank you for your help. no one to blame here but myself. i do have a question though. any idea why they make a radio for the phone put it in the download section for the phone that makes the phoen a brick? i have only had the...
  6. D

    DOHCDragon sig and av

    can you use this code for my signature: and can i add an avitar that is less than 6kb in space and 100x100 in size? upload says it has to be smaller than 4.5kb and i cant get it that small. let me know please
  7. D

    htc 6800 keeps restarting on battery

    ok so i am an idiot and made a giant mistake and i hope you guys can still help. i descided to look around for other things i could do to try and fix my problem. im hoping i didnt turn my phone into a brick. after i left my second post i went looking for different radios to install. i found...
  8. D

    htc 6800 keeps restarting on battery

    ok i found the thread and downloaded the sprint 3.35 rom, for some odd reason it gets to 11% the phone reboots, and after about 30 minutes the comoputer comes abck and goes to the connection problem screen. it will then start over but it does the same thing again at 11% thanks for your response...
  9. D

    htc 6800 keeps restarting on battery

    I have a htc mogul 6800. it gets to the home screen then reboots whenever it is not pluged into a usb cable. it started doign this after i did an update following instructions step by step off of here. the steps i took in order exactly first i used the: NEW] Sprint Mogul ROM Update 3.16.651.0...
  10. D

    Hi from DOHCDragon

    Hi DOHCDragon, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...