Recent content by eckoking25

  1. E

    Spb Backup v2.0.1

    Re: Selboriyorker Backup v201 I have never come across this type of gen before, it keeps asking me "enter your favorite PDA-group. i try and enter something but the only letters that work are C and O? can someone help me out --------- New Post Merged on 19/1/2009 at 01:20:51 -------- OK never...
  2. E

    how to enable GPS for US Cellular users????

    one last question before I go installing all this and running roms on my phone. is there a program here that will just unlock the GPS so that I can use it??
  3. E

    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    nevermind was the right place. I searched but could not find this ((The Titan Exit Bootloader HTC Mogul Exit Bootloader)) can u tell me where I can find this??
  4. E

    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    wrong place removing from here
  5. E

    Hard-SPL unlocker For HTC titan

    can you add a new link??
  6. E

    how to enable GPS for US Cellular users????

    great last couple questions and i'll stop bugging you. I am at WM 6.0 right now will I have to upgrade to WM6.1 to this. Or can I just stay at WM6.0?? after all is said it done would I be able to use Selboriyorker shell or Selboriyorker 4 or can I even up grade to Minila theme?
  7. E

    how to enable GPS for US Cellular users????

    oh ok i thought the mogul and touch were one in the same, because in the touch section it said "THIS IS ONLY FOR THE HTC CDMA TOUCH (VOGUE) !!" that's were I got confused. Since us cell is CDMA, that cleared up alot
  8. E

    how to enable GPS for US Cellular users????

    sorry i about the questions I have the HTC PPC 6800 in your guide do I follow the MOGUL section or touch secton? and if I want install the fuck sprint part 2 rom is that a stock or custom rom. I think I know but i just to double check
  9. E

    how to enable GPS for US Cellular users????

    got it i found it, if i have any question i ask from inside that post
  10. E

    how to enable GPS for US Cellular users????

    when you say "which can be found in my signature below" what does that mean I clicked on everything in your box nothing came up???? sorry i real new to this.
  11. E

    how to enable GPS for US Cellular users????

    Hi I have an HTC PPC 6800 for US Cellular and I want to activate the gps for my phone is it possible for us cell user's to activate this function. I all I found is roms to flash all other providers but mine. can someone lend me a hand
  12. E

    Ultimate Advantage Calculator v2.0 Build 18

    what is the serial number if any???
  13. E

    PPC App Request

    Hi wanted to know where I can get TI-83 app for wm6 I. I seen it on youtube on a rev a running it tried asking but no answer. Wanted to see if you could help me. thanks :yahoo:
  14. E

    Manila Theme (HOT!!!)

    Hey I wanted to know if I have to do anythind special before I install this on a fressh phone?? i.e. unlocker or special program to run this.