Thanks again dash... ok so all has went well so far i am to the point now to edit EPST settings does anyone know what all need to be done so far i have edited the NAM settings just the MDN and the MSID any help would be greatly appreciated.. Or am I ready to call sprint to have it activated...
Hello all I have a TP that was on the Sprint network I switched to Metro PCS (mistake) I am now back with sprint and was wondering if there is any way it can be flashed to be back on the Sprint network. thanks in advance for any and all responces... eke
Thank to all for your responce... I could care less abut picture mail i just want my data back... so if anyone knows a for sure way hit me up please!!!!
Since 1996 I have been a faithful customer to sprint until today. I am tired of paying $250.00 a month granted I have 3 lines on my account but I'm done... I have flashed my HTC TP to Metro PCS.. Is anyone here familiar to this company? If so I need some help.. With Metro PCS I cant get internet...
Re: RSTG Sprint Stock Custom Rom - Tweaked Loaded w/uc v1719 Updated 2/
is anyone else having trouble with this link seems to be dead can someone post a new one?
Thanks in advance, eke4503
Re: -Feb 22 2009- [Touch Pro Rom] Sceptre Rom v10 [PointUI] -One of a Kind
cool finaly somthin a lil differant from the rest Im really diggin this ROM.. The only thing i would like to change is the top task bar. reminds me too much of my mogul. could sombody point me in the right direction on...
I know alot of us on this site change phones as much as we change underwear! (at least i do). I have alot of old accessories for old phones does anyone know if its OK to use the mogul home charger on the Touch Pro? any and all input is apreciated...
Thanks in Advance
This is a question for dash or whoever can answer it i quess... I cant seem to figure out what you using for a device lock in your video you posted for this rom.... Thanks in advance
Thanks to all for the reply's ~ i did try copying it to the ringtone folder but like 1mrlcb said they are in a different format so it doesnt show up as a ringtone.. im tryin to help a friend i asked her the same question "why you wasting your money on sprint music"
Sorry if this is in the wrong area didnt know where else to put it.... I have a touch and i purchased music of the sprint music store and i want to know if there is a way to set them as ringtones... it doesnt give me the option i thought there was a way to rename the file.. is that true
Im looking for a good prog. to close all open apps on my mogul seems like when i go to start up my nav i dont have enough memory for it to open any help would be nice
thanks in advance
I am running WM 6.1 For Mogul With Rev A my question is inregards to text msging. seems like now that the text are threaded (which is great) I cant FWD msgs that have been sent to me the only option that is highlighted is reply. is there a work around for that ?
Thanks in advance for any insight