I have an HTC Touch along with a Power Vision Access Pack for unlimited web. What I'm wondering is, Would it be possible to somehow hook my laptop to my phone so that I can browse the web on the laptop. I'm hoping it will be possible to do without paying anything extra to sprint or without...
Is their anyway to do it. I have a call tone now that I bought when I had my old phone but it's about to expire. I went to the sprint site and their is no option to buy calltones. Is their any way to get them?
Thes Sprint TV program updated itslef when I first started it. And reception should be a problem as it worked fine on my Krzr. I guess I'll have to give sprint a call. Thanx
Wondering if anyone has any idea why my Sprint TV won't work. What happens is I will select a channel to watch and it will load the audio but won't load the video. It will play like this for about 10 secs or so and then will stop and reload itself only to play the audio again and no video...
OK, I got an assassins creed one to work just fine. I don't know why the audi one aint workin. Thanx for the help.
EDIT: I got the audi one workin now also. After the assassins creed one went on then the audi one went on just fine also. Thanx again for all the help.