Recent content by GokuSS3

  1. G

    [RELEASE] Manila 25 landscape project pulse UP NOW 27/11

    Re Manila 25 landscape project pulse UP NOW 27/11 This looking good will have to test it out and report back. Thanks for the post Weesje !!!
  2. G

    I Win

    Re I Win Lol good one but I Win!!!!
  3. G

    [HTC-PRO] Nov 26th NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5.x ROMs

    Re Re Nov 26th NFSFANs Custom WM65x ROMs Thanks for the review glad you are liking the rom!!!
  4. G


    Re hello Hi and Welcome to AMJ , hope you Enjoy everything the site has too offer. Please go read the NoobGuide and How to Search. This will help get around AMJ to find what you need. You will need 80 posts here on AMJ in order to be able to Download.Have fun!!! Remember to Hit That Thanks...
  5. G


    Re hello Hi and Welcome to AMJ , hope you Enjoy everything the site has too offer. Please go read the NoobGuide and How to Search. This will help get around AMJ to find what you need. You will need 80 posts here on AMJ in order to be able to Download.Have fun!!! Remember to Hit That Thanks...
  6. G

    The intro

    Re The intro Hi and Welcome to AMJ , hope you Enjoy everything the site has too offer. Please go read the NoobGuide and How to Search. This will help get around AMJ to find what you need. You will need 80 posts here on AMJ in order to be able to Download.Have fun!!! Remember to Hit That...
  7. G


    Re Intro Hi and Welcome to AMJ , hope you Enjoy everything the site has too offer. Please go read the NoobGuide and How to Search. This will help get around AMJ to find what you need. You will need 80 posts here on AMJ in order to be able to Download.Have fun!!! Remember to Hit That Thanks...
  8. G

    [Theme] TP2ALIENX PROBEX sneek peek

    Re TP2ALIENX PROBEX sneek peek That looks great can't wait til it is out !!!!
  9. G

    Psycopath Test

    Re Psycopath Test Well I didn't get it right all lol , i was way off haha
  10. G


    Re hello Hi and Welcome to AMJ , hope you Enjoy everything the site has too offer. Please go read the NoobGuide and How to Search. This will help get around AMJ to find what you need. You will need 80 posts here on AMJ in order to be able to Download.Have fun!!! Remember to Hit That Thanks...
  11. G

    [NEWS] ARTICLE: HTC Hero being sold for $99 at Best Buy?

    Re ARTICLE HTC Hero being sold for $99 at Best Buy Wow what a deal 99 buck for the Hero , dont you can beat that !!!!
  12. G

    I Win

    Re I Win Yep an so am I lol now haha
  13. G

    [SOLVED] [Fixed] LEO ROM MMS on Sprint Fix

    Re [Fixed] LEO ROM MMS on Sprint Fix I would go check that thread it would tell if it is !!!
  14. G

    I need help w/ my diamond asap

    Re I need help w/ my diamond asap LOL you broke the golden rule an started freaking out , if your phone boots up then you are good. If there nothing but a black screen no matter what then maybe you should. You can almost always recover your phone. You knew the those answers you just freaked...
  15. G

    I need help w/ my diamond asap

    Re I need help w/ my diamond asap Sounds like a bad flash or you flashed a gsm rom to your phone..... Put it in bootloader an flash again see whats happen or a stock rom !!!!