Recent content by goodmic

  1. G

    Screen is frozen while send/get a phone call

    hi, where i can get all of this rom's, are they work with gsm phone?
  2. G

    Screen is frozen while send/get a phone call

    hi again ... since the last hard reset i dont have s2u2 on my device. yesterday i play a bit with some defenition of the sensor lock and with the advance configuration tool (dont remember exac what i did) the S2A was not working but during a phone call i could press the buttons on the screen and...
  3. G

    Screen is frozen while send/get a phone call

    yes im sure i did hard reset you know hold the phone uo side down and press the lower volume butten and after that the upper vol button ..... i had rom 1.90.401.1 wwe and now i downloaded from htc web site the lateiest rom updat and i have 5.05.401.1 wwe.
  4. G

    Screen is frozen while send/get a phone call

    I know about that , but if i need to go in to my contact during phone call, i cant. i cant mute the calles and do other stuf. do you have any idea how i can fix it? thx michael.
  5. G

    Screen is frozen while send/get a phone call

    Hi i have htc touch pro and the touch screen works paerfectly. the problem is when i send or get a call there some bottuns on the screen like: end call, contacts, mute, notes .... i press them and they dont respons, i also have the slide to answer and i try to slide right or left and it dose...