Recent content by gt5001976

  1. G

    HTC Touch 6-Tabs and Weather Fix!

    Re: HTC Touch 6-Tabs and Weather Fix yeah I had to do it like twice before it took but after the second time it works fine didn't know if it made sense but It could do steps if needed just didn't want to type it all that was short and sweet version
  2. G

    Have programs that want to remove but cant

    by the way I like your avitar you shold theme it that would be some serious junkie s**t thanks.
  3. G

    HTC Touch 6-Tabs and Weather Fix!

    Re: HTC Touch 6-Tabs and Weather Fix after installing the tab program I tried to change tabs on home screen and it wouldn't let me so I went to ultimate lanch deleted tab (htc home today plugin) then went to htc customizer changed the tab to a random icon and clock then saved them and closed...
  4. G

    Have programs that want to remove but cant

    worked great thanks and I really like this resco file explorer thanks again
  5. G

    Have programs that want to remove but cant

    In my program menu which shows all the programs I have four of the same program tab that I dont want on there it is a configure pocketsuspendfx the message says file cannot be opened I have tried to delete may ways like add/remove programs file exploerer any ideas
  6. G

    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Spj has hit it big!!! Get the details here

    Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here sorry been busy for a few and just checked out d/\sh in his youtube vidd spot fox news and I have to say way to go this is a huge step for you I have to say you are gettingit done !!!!!!!!!!1
  7. G

    PPC App Request

    I think this wold be a good app its from Iphone and it is a music search engine that is like music ID from at&t but looks a lot better would like a cracked version (for touch vogue) if possiable The program is ShazamID this is a link to the program...
  8. G

    HTC Touch 6-Tabs and Weather Fix!

    Re: HTC Touch 6-Tabs and Weather Fix got it to work thanks
  9. G

    HTC Touch 6-Tabs and Weather Fix!

    Re: HTC Touch 6-Tabs and Weather Fix I cant get home cust. to change tabs. color I have tried it many diff. ways any fix or ideas
  10. G

    Drawing Monday December 8th LAST CALL

    Re: Suprise raffle today I will get mine on weds. when i see pics is it the balck on black one cuz if it is I am down for at least 5 tickets
  11. G

    I have 1hr Free WiFi at Mickey Ds for someone who wants it

    legend you I cant pm you so I will need a way to get his to you with out posting it up here ???????
  12. G

    I have 1hr Free WiFi at Mickey Ds for someone who wants it

    I won a !hr. free Wifi at mc donalds and I wont use it so the first to pm me will get it for free I dont want to waste it, I will be off and on today so I will respond today sometime Thanks
  13. G

    [Theme] just need to tell someone

    Hey D/\sh thanks I checked it out it helped out a bunch I give you and tigerz mad props thanks. I am still tweeking on it give me a week or so and I will be about ready to post one ? maybe lmao.
  14. G

    SPJ Official Raffle Thread

    I hope staff has a shot that would be great reward for you all, I cant see how people dont take this as a chance where else on the web do you have a chance like this every where else the odds are 1:1,000,000. here it like 1:15 lol. VOTE YES TO PROP 1 (yes to staff can enter too) lol.
  15. G

    SPJ Official Raffle Thread

    # ticket max is way better then 5 that gives more chances to more people and I hope staff gets too play too they deserve it just like others. I think the name changed worked smart thinking dash. ANd thanks to all staff I would give my left n*t to know a 1/4 of what you all know. vote yes to staff