Yes I am using WM 6.1.
I have also tried VITO SMS but didnt like it much.
Can anyone recommend another?
I have heard of Power SMS but never tried it yet.
Again, I want to be able to send files and more. Not just pictures.
Do most people prefer the VITO?
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I am currently using the stock SMS/texting software that came with my HTC Touch (first generation Touch) I think the saftware is called OZ or something.
Is there a better one out there that will let me select more contacts also send .GIF files and such?
Currently I have to manually select each...
Ok thanks, that is exactly the answer I was expecting for the uninstall. Just was not sure.
Does anyone have more info on a defrag or cleaning program that they can suggest.
Hi thanks for the quick response, I have been exactly where you are talking about. But it only shows me my files in storage memory (SD Card). Can I change it to view main device memory?
Hi, everyone, I have been on here for about 2 weeks now. So yes I would be a NOOB. I have installed a few programs, gave thanks for the ones I have used of course.
Now I would like to uninstall a few main programs on my phone. I am using Skyfire now so would like to uninstall original Opera...