Recent content by Hulign

  1. H

    [RELEASE] Hibbys Pro ROM 19

    Re: Hibbys Pro ROM 17 Since yours is the only rom that plays well with my bluetooth in my truck I am anxious to see what you have up your sleeve!! This rom kicks serious ass but the competition has all the flashy status icons and such so I'm hoping that's the direction you take. So rock on...
  2. H

    [01-16-09] Juggalo TP ROM v008B [OS 5219972 Build 19972] [UC]

    Re: [121708] Juggalo TP ROM v005B Telus Sprint [OS 5219972 Build 19972] Ok hoping for a little help here... Be gentle cause I am a newb.... sort of. I have been lurking and trying to learn for a while... made my own roms for the mogul but have had crap luck with cooking my own for the TP...
  3. H

    New Sig For meansixx

    Haha that is so wrong.... How did you get a pic of my first wife? I just know I'm really gonna like this place! Frank
  4. H

    SPJ Official Raffle Thread

    As one of those guys waiting... I'm in no hurry. I just don't want you to get discouraged and not do this again!! Big pat on the back to you for going thru the trouble! As long as I win I don't care how long it takes...LOL Frank
  5. H

    A little late on the intro

    Hey all!! I probably should have done this before asking any questions but I have always been a bit ass backwards... So anyway I have been lurking for a bit and love all the info you can find here. Someday I hope to help out someone greener than Thanks all!! Frank
  6. H

    [11/17] 4.0 IS HERE!!! 32mb Pagepool and SUPER CLEAN

    Re: [11/17] 40 IS HERE 32mb Pagepool and SUPER CLEAN I am running this one and it works really well but I get a HUGE slowdown if I try to slide the keyboard open while in text messaging.... Sometimes it crawls to a stop! I can also cause it if I scroll back and forth in Tf3d a bit and then try...
  7. H

    [HELP] Differences in blutooth(LONG)

    Ok first off I have been lurking around for a bit but I finally have found a problem that I just can't find a answer for.... A little back ground.... I switched from a mogul to the touch pro and this is the first issue that has kind of made me miss the mogul (don't tell my TP!)I used Jetware...
  8. H

    [MUST-READ] Kaos Htc Touch Pro Case

    Ok I have ordered my Kaos case...Now I need a really cool Kaos Rom to go with it...HINT!!! LOL Seriously your rom almost saved the mogul for my but the new phone bug talked me into it. When you do make one if you could include the cartoon guy flipping the bird and red highlights in the menus...
  9. H

    BJs MuRder ROM Beta 4 (TOUCH PRO ONLY) ITS A WRAP 12/16/08

    Re: BJs MuRder ROM Beta (TOUCH PRO)- NEED TESTERS 11-16-08 Ok so I gave it a go.... Looks really sweet There are a lot of things I really like about it but it doesn't seem to like me. Acting really odd freezing like another poster things pop up behind top screen. Will have to revert for now...
  10. H

    BJs MuRder ROM Beta 4 (TOUCH PRO ONLY) ITS A WRAP 12/16/08

    Re: BJs MuRder ROM Beta (TOUCH PRO)- NEED TESTERS 11-16-08 I will give it a shot as soon as I see it pop back up on here.... Looks cool
  11. H

    Drawing Monday December 8th LAST CALL

    Re: Suprise raffle today Ok DASH.... My girl really wants this phone... so I bought another one maybe it will also help speed things along. I don't want this to be wasted effort on your part... Might be the only way some can get a cool new phone. So come on GUYS!!!!! #0CD19786282663600...
  12. H

    Drawing Monday December 8th LAST CALL

    Re: Suprise raffle today I bought 1 Transaction ID #4AS29657F91481943 Cool idea...good luck to all Frank YOU WILL HAVE TICKET #8
  13. H

    Hi from Hulign

    Hi Hulign, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...