Recent content by iPollesion

  1. iPollesion

    [HTC-Diamond] [060209] SimpleROM CE OS 5221728 (Build 21728502

    Re [060209] SimpleROM CE OS 5221728 (Build 21728502 This SimpleROM works flawlessly on the CDMA HTC Touch Diamond from Sprint, I'm pretty sure the creator made it purely for sprint users... I've hunted him down and he is no longer releasing this ROM and all download links are dead except the...
  2. iPollesion

    [HTC-Diamond] [060209] SimpleROM CE OS 5221728 (Build 21728502

    Re: [060209] SimpleROM -- CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) Thank you, been looking for this.