Recent content by jayvon2304

  1. J

    [HTC-PRO] Updated August 4th Touch Pro CDMA Radios 12 Included

    Re: Touch Pro CDMA Radios 5 Included I tried updating to the Sprint Raphael Radio V1.11.00F on my TP and the screen hangs at 0% when it says its uploading the rom.The phone is correctly set up on ActiveSync because the program recognized my old Stock Radio. I ran the RomUpdateUtility.exe file...
  2. J

    [NEW] The Oregon Trail (VGA Edition) v10

    thats whats up, this was the game back in the day. Thanks u guys r the best here
  3. J

    [Theme] DC Comics Superman TF3D Theme

    what you have to do is once you install the theme also transfer the superman background picture to your phone that was included and save it wherever you have your pictures at then go to the settings tab in touch flo 3d. Click on Home Wallpaper and navigate to the superman photo and its that...