Recent content by john21

  1. J

    XM Radio MobiTV and MusicID Unlimited

    Re: XM Radio, MobiTV, and MusicID Unlimited! lol.........I hear ya Dash a.k.a El Guapo......feel lucky punk? huh do ya feel lucky punk.......Hey im going to try my best later to donate for the cause.....this site is the shiznit....:brows:
  2. J

    XM Radio MobiTV and MusicID Unlimited

    Re: XM Radio, MobiTV, and MusicID Unlimited! Whoaaaaa easy not complaining just was curious as to how many channels u guys could crack out of it.....oh well beggars cant be chosers as they say huh
  3. J

    XM Radio MobiTV and MusicID Unlimited

    Re: XM Radio, MobiTV, and MusicID Unlimited! Is there anyway to get specific channels on the mobitv guide? I need me some A&
  4. J

    Ultimate Launch V 12 [Today plug-in that sets up tabs like a cube etc]

    Re: UltimateLaunch v1.2 lmao....Yup that video is the shiznit.....
  5. J

    Ultimate Launch V 12 [Today plug-in that sets up tabs like a cube etc]

    Re: UltimateLaunch v1.2 Ok Dash I got it working just right finally................woo-hoo....:yahoo:....I will deff donate so you can get that double guys certainly deserve it.....
  6. J

    Ultimate Launch V 12 [Today plug-in that sets up tabs like a cube etc]

    Re: UltimateLaunch v1.2 Hey dash I cleaned up some of the uneccessary files under my tabs that I didnt need....But im still having problems with which settings go first in what order...I tried moving the UL to the top like you said but it doesnt let me the furthest it goes is 3rd from the...
  7. J

    Ultimate Launch V 12 [Today plug-in that sets up tabs like a cube etc]

    Re: UltimateLaunch v1.2 Ok dash gotcha on that.......... when I mean 6 tabs I was reffering to the screen where u show how to configure the UL settings on youtube......keeping 6 tabs and extra invisible tab making it 7 for the htc plugin
  8. J

    Ultimate Launch V 12 [Today plug-in that sets up tabs like a cube etc]

    Re: UltimateLaunch v1.2 Cool ok dash here goes.....2 things......I followed the video demo and I entered the exact same settings u did for your mogul...But somehow the UL tabs stayed on the bottom and are not on top sitting underneath the clock.... Question 2.... my tab configs on the UL tab...
  9. J

    Ultimate Launch V 12 [Today plug-in that sets up tabs like a cube etc]

    Re: UltimateLaunch v1.2 Thanks dash for clearing that up a regards to my question I dont think where on the same page I will post any wtf questions in the help desk......Last thing I want happening to me is getting banned for pissing aka im am the shit/dash for...
  10. J

    Ultimate Launch V 12 [Today plug-in that sets up tabs like a cube etc]

    Re: UltimateLaunch v1.2 Dash sorry bro but that didnt help me at all........Im sorry but its a pain in the butt trying to figure out where you should make posts here and where not too......I thought since the thread discusses in video form how the ultimate installer program is supposed to look...
  11. J

    D/\SH'S Ultimate Launcher Youtube Video. MUSE SEE

    Hey Dash I finally loaded the ultimate installer along with the prada plugin.......But im still having problems with the way my home screen is looking.....I have the same layout as you...except my UL is at the bottom,above it is the prada plugin,and then the htc custom icons, and at the top is...
  12. J

    ICube For The Mogul

    Hmmmm? interesting yes I downloaded both just like the sticky said....even the 4.1 config too.......did the soft reset for each file I downloaded....the files downloaded successfully to the mogul....but the cube does not want to rotate or flick for whatever reason.....I might try uninstalling...
  13. J

    ICube For The Mogul

    Ok dash let me try again on this loaded this program on my mogul......along with the 4.1 config program too....My questions are how does the cube gestures work....I tried flicking to the right and left of the screen to see if the cube rotates and nothing happened also tried up...
  14. J

    Youtube for your mogul

    Wow just downloaded this program and even now it works flawlessly......streams videos withought any hicups........great job guys.......
  15. J

    HTC home organizer file??

    Well I tried the htc customizer with the htc pack that had the weather,clocks, and tab selections.....and finally got it to work......I had to manually select one from each folder.....looks good......I also tried the touchflo and Icube program.....along with the 4.1 config......I loaded the...