Re: |HERM|ROM|65|WWE| EnergyROM Genesis (23016) | Built Sep 20th | Manila21
Yes i'm with sprint & i'm running version Arcsoft MMS Is that what the problem is? Wrong Version...DUH!
Re: |HERM|ROM|65|WWE| EnergyROM Genesis (23016) | Built Sep 20th | Manila21
I've been running the rom (9/20) version for a few days now with no problem except I cant get the picture mail to work, ive installed the arcsoft mms cab & it still doesn't work, any help would be appreciated.Other than...
Re: [Updated 15 Aug] Diamond WeatherPanel Theme v5.3a - Throttle Friendly & 5 Day Lay
Got it Working!!:yahoo: Sorry for all the posts & Good lookin out for this program!!! Thanks
Re: [Updated 15 Aug] Diamond WeatherPanel Theme v5.3a - Throttle Friendly & 5 Day Lay
i tried uninstalling & reloading everything now I don't have any animations...i'm trippin, i know it's something little i'm not doing. By the way I have ulitimate launcher not throttle launcher.
Re: [Updated 15 Aug] Diamond WeatherPanel Theme v5.3a - Throttle Friendly & 5 Day Lay
i got everything working, except i keep getting trial popping up with the animations.
I have 2 questions, What does CDMA only mean & When will this be posted on htc website since it's official. Thanks for posting I know I lot of people have been waitin on this, I'm currently using kaos take 3, which I love, should I flash this?
Lol forget u Dash, I just figured out what u were referring too. I just happen too look at the pic.....lmao......forget u bro!! u r crazy!!!!! I hope i'm not that bad