I like this rom for the simple fact that it is not over powering with mods. It seem to have the right balance. The best part about this one is that the extra mods are in the remove app windows and can be taken out at any time. The speed is and reaction time is awesome too.
One problem I have...
Re: [11/17] 40 IS HERE 32mb Pagepool and SUPER CLEAN
What does the "Pagepool" mean. I see it in a few different roms but I don't know what it refers to. Anyone know?
I see your problem. Yes it does matter if it is a gif or not. The gif will only work as a template in the HTC camera. When they are coverted to jpg then they become useless. I uploaded as gif files. The attachment manager must convert them for display. I'm going to have to re up them in a...
I almost forgot I had these games. I had d/l'ed them thinking they were for my phone. I didn't know anything about cell phones and distinguishing programs. Anyway wanted to share them here. Smart Phone Junkie has been a great site for PPC resources. I loike to ddance with the person i came...
Re: New HTC Home Customizer v1.0 Final out now march 9,2008
I'm have a bit of trouble getting all 6 tabs to display i got as many as 5 to show up. I tried moving the order and now i only get 4 to show up, can you help?
I called them and set tethering up on my plan for 39.99/month and the tech told me that they are noow looking ffor illeagal usage of the smartphone tethering. One way they can ffind out is the type of browser that is being used. They know that IE8 is not used by your phone you feel me. I just...
I have the Touch and I was having problems using my phone as a modem until i lucked up on something... A friend of mine has the touch but through alltel and they don't limit the Phone as Modem option. So he pluged his phone into my laptop and it was working with no problem. So in the mist of...
This is a phat app. I like it better than all the other launchers I've seen. It is simple but useful and it is not alot of ccomplications. It could be just alitttle more eye pleasing hopefully the next verrsion will capture it. I rate it a 7 out of 10...