Re: Panoramic Phone Genius v186 UPDATES 19/07/09
This is a really kool app!! But the only problem is... I cant figure out how to delete like... call history or texts???
Re: Twikini [Windows Mobile Twitter App]
Yeah i did... and believe it or not there is only the cab file and 7 jpeg vista images... no cracks or read me files.... LOL
Re: Twikini [Windows Mobile Twitter App]
Do you happen to have an update for this program... when i ran it on my phone it came up with a message that says....
This beta has expired.
please visit for the latest version.
Thanx in advance!!
Like I said in my last post I had hard reset my phone and dashwire was the only program I had put back on the phone. I am running stock rom... and I have no themes on it... yet... I also used dashwire on my Mogul with no problems... I have been through 4 phones already... I really dont feel...
I hard reset my phone lastnight cause i finally got tired of my keyboard freezing and not letting me type anything... as soon as my phone came up my phone started goin crazy with text messages... i answered them using my keyboard with no problem... between the texting i installed dashwire... to...
I have gone through 4 touch pro's! Mostly the same issue! I have just realized what the problem was.... Dashwire! My keyboard would stick and the backlight wouldnt come on... and it has taken me since the begining of February and 4 phones to figure it out! If you are having problems with your...
HA HA Guess what... It just happened again... the same exact thing.... WTH???
I havent done anything with the phone as far as modding it!! Well this morning I tryed to put the HTC Home on it... and it froze!!! B4 I take it back to Sprint... do yall have any ideas??? I might just try to get the...
I was running stock rom.... The last update that sprint put out.. windows 6.1... I am too scared to put custom roms on it.. LOL I will get my nerve up one day! I have been doing a lot of reading and say im gonna do it... then i chicken out!
Thank you all... LOL... I freaked out b4 i could get an answer... I took it to the sprint store... Guess What!!! I got a brand new phone!!! And the box... and all the contents!!! HA HA I was running stock rom... I had put that touchflo 2D on it... and yesterday it started freezig on me... so I...
Well... yesterday my phone started freezing... I got tired of it and done a hard reset... I did nothing to it... no programs or anything....
I got up this morning and decided to put my dashwire on it... so i could have my contacts back.... after installing i checked my contacts... they were...