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  • naw havent odne it but i know that iceman does..... my buddy from here did mne for me and works great and doesnt take long he says
    naw i dont have any gsm phones for sale...... sold them all and just got rid of my 8525 for 80 bucks which was my last one..... should have checked in more often
    no problem and sorry for it taking so long..... glad that the money order made it this time lmfao.
    how bout a please lmao here you go bro should have been there today but tomorrow for sure....

    if your talking ipod touch no you would only be able to go 8 gig and i have one if you wan to trade.... look around at theprices the touch goes for compared to the 8 gig.... right bout the same...
    ask your mom to see the credit card........ they prolly know how it works than you can either use it on ebay or you can have it sent to your house..... even woot and newegg accept paypal
    yeah i dont know what the deal is..... send me a email to my phone at with the info so i can compare :>
    dude you still didnt get this one? i sent 5 different ones out......... are you sure you are giving me the correct address zip code and all that jazz.
    aight and than ill cover the ebay and fees and all than send the difference.... by the way did you get the last one?
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