Recent content by loki007420

  1. L

    My New Twat

    those are freckles LOL.. ive had it for about 2-3 years now.. It hurt like all hell when i got it done, then it hurt pretty bad for about 2weeks, kinda felt like someone was following me pinching my neck...
  2. L

    My New Twat

    lol yea i noticed the title last night, i tried to find a place to edit it.. I was like "opps" the nape is cool, it doesnt bother me when i sleep but i do have to cut all the tags out of my shirts..
  3. L

    My New Twat

    Lol yea that is pretty funny man. :)
  4. L

    My New Twat

    Re: My New Tat i got it at royal oak tattoo and it cost me 90.00
  5. L

    My New Twat

    Re: My New Tat Its a celtic knot.. the knot forms a 3 leaf clover.. i had a tattoo artist draw it up for me and then put it on me..
  6. L

    My New Twat

    the thing above my tat is a Nape piercing..
  7. L

    [RELEASE] Kai's Beast Master.Net v3.2

    Re: Kais Beast MasterNet v32 hahahah i want to mess with my dog now when i get home :)
  8. L

    [NEW] StylusLock v11

    Thank you this looks bad ass!!!!
  9. L

    Diamond on order

    I will have my new touch diamond tomorrow... I'm soo excited, im just worried i wont like the no keyboard... I have a mogul right now and i love the phone i just wish it had "Mo Power" Any1 know if you can change that silly red backplate on it? What are some must haves for it? ugh i feel...
  10. L

    Kaos Hybread Rom Take 3 enhanced

    id test it for ya if you need any more testers..
  11. L

    WHATS YOUR PS3 GamerTag

    Loki007420 but i only really play ffxi online :)
  12. L

    reset or remove everything from 6800

    Hard reset for the phone and format the storage card... bam your back to stock with nothing on it... Im guess you are still on your OG rom... So that should work for ya...
  13. L

    Portable X-Ray

    Not me when i hit scan it goes into a blank black screen and does nothing until i touch the screen and it bounces back to my today screen...
  14. L

    What is you single most favorite app??

    mine is Sk tools's freee up ram..