Recent content by louiedoesit

  1. L

    NRGZ Energy Rom Leo WM 6.5 Touch Pro 2 Build 21864

    wow really nice man.. I will love to get that weather backgrounds.. But you know me man i am not a flasher
  2. L

    Will sprint match price verizon TP2 Price

    sold my tp for 175 ! cant be more happier with my tp2..
  3. L

    Will sprint match price verizon TP2 Price

    when i first email they were like okay we give $50 more off i was like send my email to supervisor supervisor comes back saying 100 total i was like nope send my email to mang.. Mangnt came back say 150 =) for the final price of 199.99
  4. L

    Will sprint match price verizon TP2 Price

    haha yea man.. i have 4 phones on my account an 2 are up for renewal so i couldnt jump ship right now .....I had vzw wireless before they use to charge me for every fart i blew wrong lol.. But i cant go wrong, this actually the first htc phone i every paid or got brandnew since my boy...
  5. L

    Will sprint match price verizon TP2 Price

    So i email them back .. I ask how much will my account be charged : Thank you for your reply. Your line 614******** is eligible for the handset upgrade at the online price. The account will be charged $449.99 for the HTC Touch Pro 2. After purchasing the handset, you would be required to...
  6. L

    Will sprint match price verizon TP2 Price

    basically going to cost me like 300. I imagine i can sell my touch pro. its scratch free. So i dont think i will come off to bad ..
  7. L

    Will sprint match price verizon TP2 Price

    I decide to test the waters with sprint match pricing with verizon,this is the email respond i received. Thank you for contacting Sprint regarding the handset upgrade on the account. We are glad to know that you are interested in buying the HTC Touch Pro 2. We at Sprint are thankful for your...
  8. L

    [MUST-READ] Touch Pro vs Touch Pro2: Should You Upgrade

    lol way to funny.. does any body know if the visual voice mail going to be on the sprint tp2 like vzw
  9. L

    Message showing(1) with no new message

    ok young skywalker
  10. L

    Message showing(1) with no new message

    if you can it to the first post will be great for future peoples.
  11. L

    Message showing(1) with no new message

    Message showing(1) with no new message This happend last night. I was checking my picture mail an i delete pics ect.. It still shows i have (1) unopen box. I have deleted sprint picture mail , delete everything to do with sprint mail an touch flo still shows i have (1). I reinstall picture...
  12. L

    Sprint tp2 out sept 3

    I went to T-mobile yesterday.. They have tp2, how ever it wasnt T-mobile pimped out with there goodies.. They said htc send to them, to have there reps play with it to get to know it .. Truly cant wait to see sprints version in full color.
  13. L

    [NEWS] Sprint Rhodium (TP2) Possible 3.5mm! [CONFIRMED]

    Re: Sprint Rhodium (TP2) Possible 35mm I just saw this video from the vz verision [IF][] I see no reason why sprint wouldnt --------- New Post Merged on 6/8/2009 at 01:08:51 -------- vz version
  14. L

    Sprint Touch Pro 2 Specs released

    Yea i hope so too.. --------- New Post Merged on 6/8/2009 at 08:51:01 -------- I kinda like this back cover.... Seperate sprints from the rest
  15. L

    [NEWS] Sprint Rhodium (TP2) Possible 3.5mm! [CONFIRMED]

    Re: Sprint Rhodium (TP2) Possible 35mm Dude ! I truly hope so man..