Recent content by mdeal2000

  1. M

    Glass Vista Theme for SPB MS 2.1 by DOC3000

    Re: Glass Vista Theme for Selboriyorker MS 21 by DOC3000 I moved the whole file as it came in the .zip file, I didn't even open the file to see what was in it...I just moved it to Program Files and clicked OK to overwrite the existing file. I see that other members on this thread have had the...
  2. M

    Glass Vista Theme for SPB MS 2.1 by DOC3000

    Re: Glass Vista Theme for Selboriyorker MS 21 by DOC3000 I love the skin so thx...only I have one issue...I've reloaded it twice now and each time the bottom navigation bar is solid blue with no icons not like the bottom bar with the glass effect on the screenshots...any idea what went wrong?
  3. M

    [RELEASE] Air Horn (thanks to hibby50)

    I'm having difficulty with this apparently...what do I do with these files once I unzip them, according to another thread designed to help noobs I click on the .cab file and install the app once I've moved it to my storage card...however nothing happens when I click on any of the files...some...