Recent content by micmead21

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    Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

    Re: Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 6.1 gps & Reva this is a great rom. one of my fav for the mogul!
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    [28Jul09]NEW Manila 2D v20 build 19171723

    Re: Touchflo 2D CAB HERE (EXTRACTED VIDEO)[Diamond-like interface - very f i just downloaded and its great. all the tabsd work and it looks real smooth. i was wondering though. is there any way to chage the style of the clock, and are skins out for this yet? i know someone was working on it.
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    Sprint Touch Pro Revealed!!!

    Re: Sprint Touch Pro Revealed! Hey Dash?!? Exactly how did you get a Touch Pro already? You mind sharing so we could do the same!!! I want to get both the Diamond and Touch Pro...THat'd be sick!!! Touch Pro for business and Diamond for leisure.
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    Kaoss Touch Hybrid TAKE 1 WM61 REV A GPS ROM (HTC TOUCH ONLY)

    Re: Kaos's Touch Hybrid TAKE 1 WM6.1 REV A GPS ROM (HTC TOUCH ONLY!) Hey KAOS...i know this may seem a lil retarded but you thinnk you could put those loading images on your ROMs for the Mogul! THose look so much more official...and yea, i know you said you were done with mogul roms which is...
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    Kaos Hybrid Take 3 enhanced

    ohh yea i see that. but what im referrin to is to be able to have like the touchflo 3d interface that will be seen on the diamond and the htc touch pro. i thought it was included in this rom but now im thinking ive gotta get throttle launcher.
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    Kaos Hybrid Take 3 enhanced

    thanks. i just flashed the rom but i thought this rom was supposed to have the touch flo 3d like interface. atleast thats what i thought i saw in one of the vids. obviously i am wrong. which one of kaos' roms is that? does anyone know?
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    Kaos Hybrid Take 3 enhanced

    where/how do i get the RUU?
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    Kaos Hybrid Take 3 enhanced

    hey kaos is there anyway you can make it so we flash these roms just like we did for your first two roms? that was working for me and a lot of other ppl i know very well. it seemed a lot more simpler man. this right here just seems a lil too complex or maybe i am just missin somethin. could...
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    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3

    dud i downloaded winrar and i cant extract the nbh file. this is frustrating. i swear im not this stupid lol. ive never had probs flashing a rom til now.
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    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3

    is it possible for this rom to be flashed usign winzip just like how the other kaos roms were? i am having trouble finding a program to open the nbh file. and chenging the sd card to fat32 and all that stuff just aint workin out to well for me right now.
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    iContact v0.75 (Freeware)

    this program is pretty good. i really like that they keep fixin little bugs here and there. only problem i have now is thats i feel its too resposive to touch sometimes. i can scroll from "A" to "T" with a little flick of my finger when i wasnt even tryin go to go that far. other than that its...
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    touch diamond qwerty keyboard

    downloaded this app the other day and i dont like it as much as zoomboard and touchpal and im having the BIGGEST porblem getting it off my Mogul. it WONT remove it lol. WHY!?!? lol.
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    Up Close And Personal With The HTC Diamond For Sprint

    EXACTLY!!! Thats what I was talking about and thats why i was posting it here because i felt it was very relevant to the Diamond...which it is. Im not retarded. lol. But i was just wondering bc D/\SH is sick with it lol. Thnkasyou so much Purpletarzan for actually reading what i posted and not...
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    Up Close And Personal With The HTC Diamond For Sprint

    hey dash i looked and i dont see anything about TouchFlo 3D for the mogul. thats what i was asking for. if we do have it, do you mind posting the link in this thread?