Recent content by mmxer

  1. M

    XM Radio MobiTV and MusicID Unlimited

    Re: XM Radio, MobiTV, and MusicID Unlimited! Same for me...... Doesn't work anymore.... I live in Maryland. Couldnt find a cracked version.....
  2. M

    Adisasta WinMobile Fusion v2.2.0.1 Build 1400

    I tried that but was getting file not found or something... But its working now :P Thanks... Musta been a glitch on there end...
  3. M

    HTC performance

    Re: HTC* Performance (overclocking) Your useing the windows 6.1 rom correct?
  4. M

    HTC performance

    Re: HTC* Performance (overclocking) I ran some tests, but most of the programs show little or no improvement. Of course this isnt like PC benchmarking. The programs might be limited to specific chipsets... Ill look more into it.
  5. M

    Adisasta WinMobile Fusion v2.2.0.1 Build 1400

    Hey D/\SH, can you reupload this one? Thanks...
  6. M

    HTC performance

    Re: HTC* Performance (overclocking) I found this site with a bunch of benchmarking prog.... I run some tests later...
  7. M

    HTC performance

    Re: HTC* Performance (overclocking) Looks intresting..... A question... Has anyone tried running a benchmarking program to test out the overclock? Would be intresting to see the results. Like the difference between 520mhz/624mhz..... And of course stock. Ill try a test later myself...
  8. M

    Search function 4 letters or more?

    Ah thanks.... Didnt know about the *...
  9. M

    Search function 4 letters or more?

    Argh! Anyway to make it 3 letter search.. Kinda a pain to look for threads useing GPS or ROM you know...
  10. M

    SkyFire Browser Beats the Pants Off the iPhone -- No Foolin'

    No luck for me... Did anyone get lucky?
  11. M

    I NEED HELP is someone out there to help

    Top of sticky... D/\SH's post.. All the help/ programs you need.
  12. M

    SkyFire Browser Beats the Pants Off the iPhone -- No Foolin'

    Yeah I read on other Forums people have gotten it all ready. I havent recieved my 2nd email yet :triste: Hopefully it will be available for DL.
  13. M

    Problem watching streams on

    Ill give it a shot. Really I wish they would hurry with the Beta of Skyfire :P That program looks killer. When ever the private beta starts..
  14. M

    Problem watching streams on

    Anyone get these video streams to work?
  15. M

    Hey all!

    Just saying hey. Looks like a great site to help me mod out my Touch. Impressive work...