Recent content by mykela25

  1. mykela25

    Hey cutie! Thanx for stopping by. Love what youve done with the place LOL. Feel free to drop in...

    Hey cutie! Thanx for stopping by. Love what youve done with the place LOL. Feel free to drop in anytime
  2. mykela25

    Post Your Pics Here

    Im good Daddy. And oh the fun we can have with chains! Lol.
  3. mykela25

    Post Your Pics Here

    Well I figured everyone forgot I existed and thought I fell off the face of the planet so I decided to grace with my presence. LOL. Miss me Daddy D /\SH? Hope everyone is well. And incase u forgot my face. Here ya go!
  4. mykela25

    [NEW] Flipside

    You know Im addicted to you Daddy. That will never change ;) And actually Im on here everyday, I just dont talk as much as I used to. And you know my number too. Dont act like no stranger. I dont wanna have to spank you. Wait...I forgot, you like that. LOL!
  5. mykela25

    [NEW] Flipside

    Im a phone fanatic plus I work for Verizon so I have a Touch 6900, a LG enV, a Pearl and a Curve lol. And Im about to get a Omnia. Im so addicted!
  6. mykela25

    [NEW] Flipside

    Ok....color me stupid but am I the only one who got the trial has expired message and have no idea what the unlock code is? Lol. Am I on the short bus??
  7. mykela25

    [HELP] Keep My Family in Your Prayers

    Im so sorry for what you and your parent are going thru. I will definitely keep her in my prayers. I speak from experience when I say she will be fine. My mother went thru the same thing 7 years ago. Actually instead of a stint they had to do a quadruple bypass because 3 of her arteries...
  8. mykela25

    [HELP] I Need Some Advise

    That does sound really crappy. Unfortunately Qwest is the one makin gthe offers, not VZW so our hands are tied on what they allow you to upgrade to. I have a 6900 (Touch) ad a BB and trust me, the BB is NOT comparable to a Mogul. LOL I agree with Daddy D/\SH, I would call back and see if they...
  9. mykela25

    JeWs Whip Nothing Special but shes my Bottom *****

    Re: JeWs Whip Nothing Special but shes my Bottom hahaha. Stop telling our secrets! LOL. Love the ride baby.
  10. mykela25

    xv6900 from verizon

    Is it valid charges or is there an actual issue? If u wanna pm me the info, I can take a promises, lol, but I'll check.
  11. mykela25

    xv6900 from verizon

    lol...yall are SO bad! PM me he info and I'll see what I can do for Daddy. :-)
  12. mykela25

    xv6900 from verizon

    I work for VZW, unfortunately no, bc we use cdma technology and tmobile uses GSM (they use sim cards). Sorry babe
  13. mykela25


    I dunno what u did but whatever it was, it worked. I got the full download!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!! ***EDIT*** But....whats weird is that PROBE's first one that he reupped or you reupped works for me now however, elboriyorker, yours still give an error.
  14. mykela25


    You're so awesomely nice. Thats why I love you! And eventhough I have it now, I tried elboriyorker reupped link just to see if it wud download and that doesnt work for me either. Stops mid download and say corrupt still. Its crazy. I also tried multiple browsers. So I guess it just doesnt like...
  15. mykela25


    seeeee, its NOT me!! lol Im on m2d 14 and I refuse to upgrade bc this one has been stable for me and the only issue I have had is with those 2 cam icons files which I know the fix for so my philosophy is, if it aint broke, dont fix it. I dont even use the theme manager, I do everything manually...