Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08
I understand. I found out that what I was looking for isn't an LCD screen but a "touch screen digitizer". I found two. They're not Sprint specific but I think they should work. Let me know what you think D/\ASH....
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08
Can you post a link of one? There are several different ones and I'm not sure which model I should get, thanks.
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08
I have Sprint. Just so we're clear, the touch screen function of my phone isn't working, but the screen displays everything just fine. Not sure if it's the same thing or not. Thanks!
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08
Can you tell me where I can get a new screen? I looked on eBay and found a bunch of them, but I am very unsure which one is right for my phone. I have the original HTC Touch. And do you know how difficult it is to put a new...
Re: TOUCH MODS STAFFS FAVS (was D/\SHS touch mods) UPDATED 8-1-08
I need help!!
Last night while working at Starbucks, I messed up my screen on the HTC touch some how. It has a big indent on it and now the touch screen doesn't work. Needless to say, the phone is pretty useless if only the...
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07
When I tried to install TapTapRevolution, it says "TapTapRevolution.exe is not a valid Win32 Application. Did I miss something?
Re: D/\SH'S Touch Mods With Straight Downloads Updated 3-16-07
Thanks for the quick response. I found this site through your vids on YouTube. It was pretty simple to figure out how to install and use the programs. Thanks for this post!