Recent content by njballa

  1. N

    [HTC-PRO] Updated August 4th Touch Pro CDMA Radios 12 Included

    Re: Updated June 9th Touch Pro CDMA Radios 9 Included Thanks for the speedy response --------- New Post Merged on 12/6/2009 at 05:44:07 -------- super I looked at the cab files should it be titled 250 or is that short for 25000? also seen 1350 etc.
  2. N

    [HTC-PRO] Updated August 4th Touch Pro CDMA Radios 12 Included

    Re: Updated June 9th Touch Pro CDMA Radios 9 Included Where might one find this 250 tweak ???
  3. N

    Obama got a problem

    wow verizon and there terrible people
  4. N

    D/\SH'S Other Whips LMAO

    I forgot to mention i work in a hobby shop is it okay if i leave aa hyper link to our website ???
  5. N

    D/\SH'S Other Whips LMAO

    Shout out to my fellow R/c'ers all thre guy at the track sweat the mogul usually they have no recption on their weak Iphone's I race 1/8th scale buggies Losi 8 to be exact On Road: I have a 1/10th scale Serpent thats a beast mod'd engine 1/10th Carpet car Losi XXX-S Graphite
  6. N

    You should watch this before voting

    Obama O8 Come on he has a Smart Phone We all know Mc Cain could not even turn one on ....He's way too old serious talk Mc Cains' view on young people issues are jaded at 72. It'd be hard for him to understand the New Generation of American Citizens Black,White or in Different. I don't hate the...
  7. N

    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3

    having a small issue hopefully some one can help ... when my phone ring I press answer but nothing happens I have to press the soft answer a few times before it connects
  8. N

    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3

    any way to flash with out putting it on a sd card?
  9. N

    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3

    I tried that to No Avail any other suggestions ??
  10. N

    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3

    installed on my phone but no Gps I'm running 3.35 radion as I don't have a SD card reader to flash 3.42
  11. N

    Answering problems

    Having the same issue the only programs we have in common Ms search Flashlight Icontact
  12. N

    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 2

    I think i have missed a step If I revert back to my previous rom should I still see the kaos logo ???
  13. N

    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 2

    does include the thread sms if so is there an option not to have it ?