Recent content by ozlopez

  1. O

    JUICY 5 (CE OS 5220771 Build 20771 AKU 146)

    Re: [01/08/09] Juicy ROM 47 [SYS OS 5221014 Build 21014160] where'd u find it? ive been lookin myself and cant find it lol
  2. O

    RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.05 + Kitchen 5/14/09

    Re: RSTG Leaked Sprint v20141 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/23/09 found it and installed it! :yahoo: thanks again!
  3. O

    RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.05 + Kitchen 5/14/09

    Re: RSTG Leaked Sprint v20141 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/23/09 dang bro, barely 2 minutes after i post and already a reply lol.. thanx tho, ima look that up right now
  4. O

    RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.05 + Kitchen 5/14/09

    Re: RSTG Leaked Sprint v20141 Custom Rom w/uc Updated 1/23/09 i love the way that dropdown start menu is.. are there any ROMs for the touch pro that have that or is it something i can tweak on my own regardless of the ROM im running?
  5. O

    Hibby Wizzing ROM Wshhh

    This is a nice rom. Awesome job hibby.. the only thing that i found was that its misreading the free space on my storage card. I have an 8GB card and its only about half full, because of music, and once i flashed this i was checkin out the phones memory and went into the storage card tab and it...
  6. O

    [UPDATES] [SKIN][25/10/2009] tPRO v210 for S2U2 WVGA VGA 9/11

    Re: [SKIN][01/07/2009] tPRO‚ v010 for S2U2 - NEW VERSION I need a little help. When i click the tpro.reg through file explorer i get an error. it says "the file cannot be opened. either its not signed with a trusted certificate or one of its components cannot be found."
  7. O

    [UPDATES] [SKIN][25/10/2009] tPRO v210 for S2U2 WVGA VGA 9/11

    Re: [SKIN][01/07/2009] tPRO‚ v010 for S2U2 - NEW VERSION Do i double click tpro.reg from my computer or do u click it from within file explorer on the tp?
  8. O

    [01-16-09] Juggalo TP ROM v008B [OS 5219972 Build 19972] [UC]

    Re: [01-08-09] Juggalo TP ROM v00603B Telus Sprint [OS 5219972 Build hahaha ya its almost too easy. makes me almost wonder why i was sooo hesitant to do it, but that fear of bricking the phone is pretty strong among us noobs lol. but im glad to be past that.. as far as this rom, its freakin...
  9. O

    [01-16-09] Juggalo TP ROM v008B [OS 5219972 Build 19972] [UC]

    Re: [01-08-09] Juggalo TP ROM v00603B Telus Sprint [OS 5219972 Build This rom looks pretty good. Im about to flash it right now and check it out.. Its funny, 12hrs ago I had yet to do my 1st flash and now i believe this is gonna be my 4th flash haha. Cant wait to check it out.
  10. O

    [HTC-PRO] Kaos Touch Pro Hybrid Cdma Sprint

    Kaos, dude, awesome work bro. Ive been on this site for about 2 weeks now and ive always been very hesitant to actually flashing roms on my tp, due to fear of screwing it up, but earlier today i said screw it and decided to do it with ur rom and its awesome. Im excited to have this and excited...
  11. O

    1st time WM user

    Hey guys, whats up? I got my TP a little over a month ago and its awesome. The phone i had before this was the ic902 which is one of Sprints hybrid phones with both Sprint/Nextel networks built in, so as u can tell i made a complete jump from one type of phone to another. Ive been on this site...