Recent content by PROBEX

  1. P

    [MUST-READ] PROBEX Alien X theme for Touch FLO 3D 21

    I liked the look of the black better with this theme so decided against the green bars.
  2. P

    [MUST-READ] PROBEX Alien X theme for Touch FLO 3D 21 its released.
  3. P

    [MUST-READ] PROBEX Alien X theme for Touch FLO 3D 21

    Thanks for posting this here Weesje hand is killing me kinda out commission for a day or 2. good thing I got this done before I bit the --------- New Post Merged on 27/11/2009 at 01:29:56 -------- Also can someone add this video to my posts on XDA and PPC GEEKS?
  4. P

    [Theme] TP2ALIENX PROBEX sneek peek

    Its readdddyyyyyyy.... Gonna hit D/\SH sunday still got the preview image and a few tweaks to the boot screen other then that... its good to go... I love it and that is saying alot ima critic big time lol
  5. P

    [Theme] TP2ALIENX PROBEX sneek peek

    Re: Re TP2ALIENX PROBEX sneek peek Yes I have one more theme for 2.1 to make then I'm moving up to the euro version of Sense UI as It will be the next official release on the TP2 [it has the weather on main but the older contacts screen] In my opinion the euro version of the Sense UI is the...
  6. P

    [Theme] TP2ALIENX PROBEX sneek peek

    Here is a alpha test screenie of the upgraded ALienX for the Pro2 What do you guys think so far? I know its kinda like the 3 old themes of mine but there is lots of changes for real.
  7. P

    The website is up and live Mazimi what theme are you talking about? I have...

    The website is up and live Mazimi what theme are you talking about? I have quite a few themes for quite a few devices more information is required for me to respond to your question. And ALWAYS must install any theme to device memory.
  8. P

    New Video: Probex's Ladies First Theme Pink Touch Pro 2

    Re: Re New Video Probexs Ladies First Theme Pink Touch Pro 2 Sorry sweetie... I just don't have time to be reworking all my new stuff yet. maybe at some point but still way to busy... You still love me dont ya.... :o)
  9. P

    [MUST-READ] DASHT To Open Cell Shop

    Nope nothing yet D/\SH. :o) waiting by the door tho lol
  10. P

    [MUST-READ] DASHT To Open Cell Shop

    Xtreame Cellular Service Any Plan... Any time Anyone
  11. P


    Ya that is so awesome how did I not hear this song before... lol
  12. P

    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Probexdesign goes live

    Re: Re Probexdesign goes live Those are both in the works brother. :o)
  13. P

    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Probexdesign goes live

    Re: Re Re Probexdesign goes live Ok paypal has sorted it out at last.
  14. P

    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Probexdesign goes live

    Re: Re Probexdesign goes live WEll I thought it was my site that was broke turns out its paypal that was broken... and still screwy really sucks that would happen on my first full day open... I was up all night sending out the theme for purchasers.... grrrr.... paypal... 2] Update: This...
  15. P

    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Probexdesign goes live

    Next person from here to purchase a theme from my site will get a gift certificate for another one free. Download from . I changed some settings and cannot buy from my selling account paypal wont allow it so I need a tester figured this is a good way to get one. Post here that you...