Recent content by R.A.M

  1. R

    This or that

    Happily married the high life or the King of beers
  2. R

    I Win

    road house nuff said
  3. R

    I Win

    I win sock it to me yall
  4. R

    I Win

    Re I Win Don't you think we all win in the end? Naaaaaah I win Suuuuuuuuuckaaaaaaassssssss!
  5. R

    I Win

    I win because I can get jiggy wit it
  6. R

    This or that

    blind folded record the action together or send a private solo video
  7. R

    I Win

    I win because thats all I do
  8. R

    I Win

    I just ate an angus bacon burger I win with a full stomach ha now beat that
  9. R

    I Win

    I'm sick of these mutha F****** snakes on this Mutha F****** plane!
  10. R

    I Win

    I'm like h1n1 I'm soooooooo sick at winning!
  11. R

    I Win

    waking up to foldgers in your cup
  12. R

    I Win

    And the beat goes on and on and on N on
  13. R

    [UPDATES] Better Keyboard androidv 352 new 6/11

    Re: Better Keyboard androidv 32 new 28/09 I will take a look at this a lil later thx in advance
  14. R

    I Win

    sock it to me yall I win and you lose thats just tearuble ha ha gotta love the cleavland show
  15. R

    HTC HERO coming soon

    the phone is is real dope all these apps and its working smooth so I have to say this is the phone to beat right now. I was on the app market last night and downloaded some funny sound boards and some old school connect four and simon says. I miss the keyboard but the touch is much more...