Recent content by rashumble7

  1. R

    ESN Change Method for HTC Touch / Vogue

    Does anyone have any exp with Telus phones? ,I've gotten into the file system. But cannot get into the NVM files because it is blocked /has a red circle slash sign. I tried flashing a verizon rom, but its still blocked. would a sprint rom make a difference?
  2. R

    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    Yes it is cdma, thanks for the swift reply. So i would use the verizon method of flashing, after flashing/unlocking i would call my metropcs service provider to connect the phone to my account and then flash new rom to the device. Is that correct? If not please correct me, im quite new to...
  3. R

    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    Any chance of a pm or post for my HTC Touch p3050 from Telus to Metropcs full flash. Thanks, keep up the good work.