Recent content by RUBY8

  1. R

    PPC App Request

    Sorry for asking in the wrong area! Just wanted to let you know that I am using sbp phone suite and it works great. Thanks for your time!
  2. R

    Mike's Touch (throttlelauncher crash course)

    Thank you! I just learned so much from watching your video.:yahoo:
  3. R

    PPC App Request

    Unbelievable how quick your response was.....THANK YOU!
  4. R

    PPC App Request

    I am also looking for an text messaging application that responds to calls. Dare I type palm... (I had to use it because I work at sprint)....Anyway, the palm centro allows you to answer a call, ignore a call (silence), or ignore with text. I am sure you are familar with this feature. I also...
  5. R

    PPC App Request

    First, I would like to say THANK YOU!!!!! ..... I would like to know how I can take a specific area out of a song and make it a ringer. I have tried ringo and I have heard about software you can buy, but is there any other way to make personal ringers. I am sorry if this well known info and I am...
  6. R

    Hi from RUBY8

    Wow! Thanks...i Think I Am Going To Love This Website. I Already Have A Question.... I Wanted My Signature Just To Say Ruby, But It Has A Big Jpeg Next To It. How Can I Take That Off? Thanks For Your Time
  7. R

    Hi from RUBY8

    Hi RUBY8, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...