Recent content by sadffffff

  1. S

    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] Alltel mms software

    Re: Alltel mms software thats cool, i would have only removed it for cleanliness anyway. take 5 runs ridiculously fast, its amazing. lennySH worked like a charm and im all set with picture and video mail.
  2. S

    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] Alltel mms software

    Re: Alltel mms software ok i found and installed the dcd carrier cab for alltel. but im not really sure what it does. I dont see any new applications, looks like it added another alltel data connection in addition to the one i made. was it supposed to do more than that? --------- New Post...
  3. S

    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] Alltel mms software

    What software shoudl I be looking at for picture and video mail with Alltel? I have Kaos' take 5 installed (its great!) and I noticed that someguy mms is on there. I presume I cant use this with alltel, or I just dont know how. so what application should I be looking for (and configuration)...
  4. S

    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    trying to flash the Titan_Radio_ROM_3.42.30 radio onto my mogul, I keep getting error 328 invalid command after 8%. whats going on? --------- New Post Merged on 1/3/2009 at 05:01:21 -------- ok i got it, aparently if i tried to upgrade over usb, i'd have to downgrad ehte bootloader first. and...
  5. S

    Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

    i dont mean to be daft here, but in your (Dash) sig the link to the how to flash roms-- i dont see a section for flashing a radio, or flashing a custom rom over a custom rom (im using kaos take 3 and want to do take 5).. i saw something earlier in the thread about flashing from the memory card...
  6. S

    Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

    im using Kaos' take 3 right now, but ive got some stuff messed up on it and this rom sounds fantastic. Im on an alltel mogul but it sounds like I can use this srpint rom anyway and just not let the customization business run? and then run alltel stuff later? I have radio 03.37.20, so I...
  7. S

    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] Mogul rom questions

    Re: Mogul rom questions thanks a lot you guys! that clears everything up!
  8. S

    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] Mogul rom questions

    Ive got a mogul with alltel, but ive noticed that popular roms like kaos' are for sprint users. Is it possible to use those roms with my alltel network? what, if any problems will I run into? Also, is it possible to remove the uncluded sprint software that i wont be using?
  9. S

    Meet me

    so hey, i dont remember if i ever posted in the introduction place when i came here. i think i might have just jumped right into asking a question. now im trying to download the unlocker and whatnot utilities and for the life of me i cant figure out how to. this place has always been terribly...
  10. S

    Disabling Data Connection (#777, alltel)

    OK, I went into all the M.IP pages and set them all to "disable", and I also removed the packet dial string (which was #777). Upon reboot the connection came back! I get the feeling that The connection wouldnt work anymore after the changes I made, but I wish it would stop recreating itself. I...
  11. S

    Disabling Data Connection (#777, alltel)

    I have a mogul on a regular alltel phone plan with no data since I will be on wifi 99% of the time. I don't want to get charged for inadvertant data use, as i hear they REALLY gouge a person for that. If i go into connections and delete the Alltel connection it comes back on reboot! I also...
  12. S

    Mogul GPS use

    thanks for the info! I should probably start a new thread for this next question but: Is there a way to turn off internet connection use in windows mobile? I would like to disable it when I'm away from wifi, so I dont inadvertantly use data.
  13. S

    Mogul GPS use

    when you use the mogul gps, does it require data use? The way I understand it, it should use precached locations like a garmin, etc, so it shouldn't need to use data. is that correct?
  14. S

    Hi from sadffffff

    Hi sadffffff, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...